precious moments don’t last long enough

now, jacob is laying on the floor screaming his head off.

i’m too tensed up to pick him up, i might scream at him or something and I don’t wantt to do that. I turn here because i need to get this rage out.

i’ve already screamed jonathon into his room for the last hour and how he’s sleeping on the floor. i feel really tensed out by my baby. i want him to stop.

make him stop. there is NO reason why he’s doing this. I just wanted to cook dinner.

i just wanted to cook.

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November 8, 2003

I see you are having my day…today. Hugs.

November 8, 2003

Oh I’m sorry you are so overwhelmed right now…. Things will ease up…. 🙂

November 8, 2003

Oh no, I’m so sorry 🙁 I know the feeling though. The only thing I can suggest is a good sling and wear the kiddo around, Marcus would *not* be put down when he was a baby and I didn’t have a sling, so basically I had to juggle to deal with cooking…lol. It gets better, I promise it does.

November 8, 2003

oh those moments are so hard. i hope he has stopped by now. when he goes to bed take a long candle-lit bath maybe (if you’ve got a bath tub) that will ease teh tension. good luck. ALi

Its best just to not touch him when you’re feeling that way, there’s no harm in that, you’re definately going to need a moment to collect yourself. I deal with this a lot at work, I give huge props to you for being a mom and having to deal with it full time. Its not always this hard though, some days just moreso then others. *hugs*

November 10, 2003

what can i say. i think i prefer the g*** pr****** to screaming. i’m kidding. ha ha.