stop sign

arggh! So Baboo, in his sweetness, made some reservations for our 1 year wedding anniverasry to go to our timeshare in Lake Tahoe. It has huge spa tubs and it’s all fancy and nice!

Well, Tahoe is an 8 hour drive. We looked at tickets and we can do a flight in about 2 hours.

But I’ll be 34 weeks pregnant.

My Dr. may not want me to travel.


I really wanna go!!!!! We won’t have a chance to do this for a very long time. *siiiiigh*


whatever. We’ll see what my doctor says.


Oh yeah, I have a ticker. Look at that!








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        Humanity Scar   


 (A zombie apocalypse survival diary, for your reading pleasure and future knowledge when they take over the world. Yes, I am the author.)  

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that’s sweet!


April 3, 2012

At 34 weeks, you should still ne able to fly.

But probably not hot tub.

April 3, 2012

*snorts* what the dr doesn’t know can’t hurt him.

April 3, 2012

and ooppps yeah, NO HOT TUBS, never when you are pregnant. you can cool down but the baby can’t.

awwwww!!! That’s really sweet of Baboooooo.

Sounds cool! I hope it works out 🙂

April 3, 2012

oh, sweetie, i’m so sorry. you wouldn’t be able to use the hot tubs or jacuzi (sp?) anyway, though. and congratulations on your anniversary!

April 3, 2012

Beg and plead? xxxxxxxx

April 4, 2012

Your evil fortress of DOOM?!?

I think you should go! If you can’t fly, maybe the drive will be fun ? 🙂 You need a vacation – you DESERVE a vacation!

and spa tub doesn’t necessary mean hot tub people 😛 It means a giant bathtub full of bubbles perfect for preggos! 😀

April 4, 2012

i think you can fly at that far.. but ask the doctor! that would be so fun and relaxing!!

April 4, 2012


April 4, 2012


April 4, 2012

aw, that should be so much fun! hope you are able to fly.

That would be SO much fun. Like one last blast before Nugget gets here.