attack of the pregnant belly

So, my co workers are starting to really notice I’m pregnant methinks.

Listen, I’m not delusional. I was a chubby little chub before. I looked pregnant EVERY DAY.

But now? It’s like I walk different and I lead with my stomach (I can’t suck it in, lol), so I know I look different. A lot of people I didn’t tell KNOW that I’m pregnant, so I’m pretty sure about 75% of the rest of the people on my floor know too (there’s at least 200 ppl on my floor).

Anyway, I don’t really talk to people unless I have to, so when passing in the halls I’ll say hi or wave or whatever. But now, people are looking at me with fear.

Like, they will glance at my stomach, get wide eyes or a weird face, then look away real fast. They won’t say a word, or they’ll say it with a weird tilt in their voices like they expect me to stop, point to my stomach and say:

"Oh yeah, baby in side! it’s a human! yup! no need for the alarm! it’s not an alien! I’m knocked up!"

(Looks up. That rhymes. it could be a song….)

I want to carry around a sign that just says "yes." on it. lol.



Anyway, it’s weird, but also hilarious. The faces they make and the things they do to pass off not looking at my giant stomach is comical indeed.

What isn’t comical?

My 3:00 crash. It happened yesterday and I can feel it happening now. OMg… TIRED as fuck.

like I could just fall out and go to sleep RIGHT NOW.

But when I get home it slowly fades but I have no energy to do shit all and so my evenings are pointless because I just want to pass out but not sleep because I’ll wake up at 2 in the morning unable to sleep and really fuck my body clock up.

I did not make tacos last night. I probably wont’ make them til Friday. Because I’m too damn tired!!!


I hope to cook tonight. one of those frozen pasta things you throw in a skillet? I should be able to handle that without falling asleep and burning the house down… right?

I ate half a bag of honey roasted cashews. I made love to those things. they are so damn good.

speaking of love… I haven’t had sex in months.


what. the. fuck.

I haven’t gone this long without sex in a very very very long time. I don’t even think I went this long after having my kids? Ok, I lie. I did wait 6 months after Jacob was born to go flouncing my goodies all around.

Truth be told?

i have been handling the business on my own now and then, even once in the new house HA! But honestly? I miss sex. stupid sex. bah.

Baboo and I are still going to do an anniversary thing I guess. I bugged him about it. In June. Right before the baby is born. lol. We will just go away for a weekend, sit on our asses, eat a bunch of food and not have any sex.

To prevent pregnancy we probably won’t have sex til this time next year.

I’m gonna kill myself.

I’m buying a vibrator. I’m NOT TELLING HIM. He is so against me having one. But I will need SOMETHING or I’ll lose my damn mind. This girl has needs.

alright, enough, i don’t even know what the hell I’m going on about.


baby is laying right at the bottom of my uterus. it’s so heavy right now.


Oh yeah, I have a ticker. Look at that!








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        Humanity Scar   


 (A zombie apocalypse survival diary, for your reading pleasure and future knowledge when they take over the world. Yes, I am the author.)  

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Obviously I have no idea what your hubby’s sex drive is, but in reading different diaries I am starting to think that most of the women here have high sex drives. And these women seems to be with men with lower sex drives and here I am a certified horn dog, and I seem to meet women who have low sex drives. I mean, wtf? the ex was never a match for mine, but I know one thing when i finally meet

someone i really want to date, i think having a good sex drive will be part of the requirement. I dont want a nympho, but also can’t be with someone who never initiates and it seems that over my life time the women i have seriously dated never took initiative and that’s freaking annoying. It’s like they want the romance, and mental foreplay, sometimes as a guy you just want to be with a woman who

April 3, 2012

Holy sex balls woman, 22 weeks tomorrow!!! My squish is sitting/kicking/pushing/punching/hitting right ontop of my cervix still, as if there’s not room for her to freakin.move.already! I don’t get it. If my bottom.sitting.uterus.blob is heavy at 18+ wks I can’t imagine how your feeling. Shooooooot get yourself a zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing if ya have to, I would! What B. doesn’t know won’t kill him 😉

April 3, 2012

I remember the crash. I’m so glad Patrick and Cole were little and not all that mobile when I was pregnant with Sean. It coulda been baaaaaaad. LOL! Why’s he against you having one if he’s so stingy with the lovin’s?! Fuck that, mama. I have four in various shapes, sizes, and colors- money well spent. Get on that! 😉

is motivated by SEX, without the whistles and bells ffs. Ok, i should stop apparently I am bit ranty today. I hope you get laid.

April 3, 2012

Wait, hold up. What is his problem with a vibrator? Is he one of those dudes that think vibrators somehow make him less of a man? That’s silly. I love my bullet, but prefer my man. Most of the time lol

April 3, 2012

Oh My, get a vibrator immediately! No woman should go that long without sex!

April 3, 2012

why the hell are you not getting sex??? that is just stupid! and the no vibrator, pffft tell him to put out or shut the hell up. he can wack it all he wants, so can you.

April 3, 2012

Good lord, get yours! From what I’ve been told women get the horniest while pregnant so if he’s not putting out you need something to satisfy those needs.


April 4, 2012

He needs to take care of bu’ness and you wont need a vibrator, otherwise, totally get one…man it helps. LOL.. of course, so does dry humping some dude. LOL

April 4, 2012

If he’s against you having a vibrator but yet he won’t do anything then what are you supposed to do and what does he expect you to do. You can’t really have it the way he wants it. You have to have your needs satisfied somehow. If he doesn’t want you to use a vibrator then get up and do your business. Hugs and acknowledges the rest.

April 4, 2012

lol your coworkers are silly. is baboo scared he’ll hurt the baby?