trudging thru


Hello, I’m writing this from my lovely crap front room on the island of sickness and torture.

I think I slept about 2 hours total last night. I kept waking up feeling like someone was stepping on my chest. My whole body hurt and I couldn’t breathe and I know that when I did sleep, I slept like a maniac cuz I kep twaking up in weird positions, at one point drapped over Baboo’s body like a beached whale.

I have no idea.

I also kept hearing footsteps and thinking about zombies… because I’m insane.


so last night wasn’t good.

it sucked, basically.

I didn’t want to come to work, but as we all know, calling out sick isn’t really something I want to do and I really DON’T want to do it right before my weekends all the time. It starts looking suspicious. Even though I truly AM sick, I just can’t risk it.

I hate this.

so I do have a job update!

I guess the City council has postponed voting on layoffs for a month.

So I get one more month of work at least! They are going to review some other cost saving measures, along with some ideas to cut in other aresa, aka the police. They want to lay off all the cadets in the academy.

Personally? I say do it.

Yeah, selfish me wants to keep my job (and help save the jobs of at least 2000 other people). We already have over 9,000 active police officers. We have increased our force steadily over the last few years. We can take a fucking break goddamn it.

I don’t feel bad about it at all.

Maybe the ones that are employed now can get more efficient and stop harrassing people for stupid stuff and go after the real crime if they don’t have the incentive.

Whatever. What do I know.

but that doesn’t really bother me, and maybe it’s bcause if they DON’T consider it and try it, I’m looking at the ax falling.

Anyway… I get to wait til March to worry again, so at least there is that right?

In other news, last night sucked.

I picked up my boys and went home and started the side dishes for dinner. Baboo needed me to take him to ameeting for a new client he may do some work for, so I had my brother finish and serve the meal to the boys. I thought it would take us about an hour to do it all, according to Baboo’s estimate. so whatever. I had only seen my kids for about 5 minutes, but I figured I’d be home in time to tuck them into bed.

Anyway, we go to this persons house. It’s in this stupid rich snooty mcsnootville area up this twisty windy ass piece of shit road on top of a hill. WHY DO RICH PEOPLE LIKE TO LIVE THAT WAY!!!!

I’d hate to have to get to my house by twisting and turning up a horrible hill on a one lane road at some points hoping I don’t die.

I can’t imagine it.


So we get up to this street with all these big ass houses and baboo goes in. I stayed in teh car, which was parked on an uphill slant, which always makes me dizzy. But I figured I’d only be there for 30 minutes or so.

Well that turned into about an hour, and I was feeling sicker and sicker.


He gets out around 8 and I’m pretty much over all of it. Baboo says he doesn’t know if he’s gonna do the work and he has to do research. This project would take like a YEAR and it would be a side job in addition to his normal work… which is a bad idea since he barely does that cuz he’s got poor time management. lol.

Anyway, we stopped at Target for some medicine and such and went home. He bought me chicken nuggets, but honestly? they tasted like crap cuz I was sick. I didn’t tell him that because he was trying to be sweet, but it just wasn’t delicious. *sigh*

also, my kids were sleep when we got home and i didn’t get to talk to them or anything. it sucked and I missed them. If I wasn’t so sick I’d make sure to snuggle up to them tonight, but I’ll probably just let them sit in my room and stare at me. good times.

Anyway, after all that we were settling down to sleep and Baboo asked me if I would want to go to Guatemala with his family at the end of the year.

I hesitated to be all gung ho because I have no idea what situation we will be in during that time. We have a wedding to plan and all that, and I may not have the vacation time (or even a job, lol) or the ability to leave my kids and all sorts of things to consider before saying sure lets go!

Anyway, that made him mad at me and whatever.

Before I left this morning, I told baboo that I had packed his lunch, but it was on a plate, so he needed to be careful. He, in his sleepy grouchy mood, told me that it would spill and I sucked…. so I told him to put it in a container when he got up then, and he told me he hated me.

He’s such a dummy.

I know he doesn’t hate me, but what a thing to say!!!

so i told him he was mean and didn’t kiss him goodbye (like he cared, he just went back to snoring anyway) and I put his stupid food in a stupid container for him, because I’m obviously a push over or whatever (or awesome… lol, whichever way you look at it) and now here i am at work feeling shitty mcshitty.

I might go home early, but I just dont’ want to.

i feel like i’m repeating myself.




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February 4, 2010

Men are such babies when they don’t get their way!! Bummer that you didn’t get to hang out with the kids. I hate nights like that.

February 4, 2010

Grrr. I hope you coughed all over his food. :oP Take that Baboo! :o) *hands you chicken noodle soup*

February 4, 2010

I hope you feel better soon. That just sucks. But at least you have another month before you have to worry with the job situation. And that was mean of Baboo. He needs a spanking. lol.

February 4, 2010

I know you have probably been asked this before. Why doesn’t Baboo drive?

Boys are mean. Especially when they are half asleep. . .

February 4, 2010
February 4, 2010

yikes another month to wait i hope they figure it all out soon and you get to keep your job. tell him you would love to go to guatamala with him but you can’t get all excited until you know that you would be able to actually do it – he’s got to understand that

February 4, 2010

YEAH for another month!!! maybe they will layoff those police people…lol 🙂 i hope you feel better!

February 4, 2010

I hate when I dont get to spend time with my kiddos after work… Baboo being a dope. :/

February 4, 2010

You’re right! It’s not nice for him to tell you he hates you, even if he doesn’t mean it! That’s actually quite childish to be honest with you! I wouldn’t put up with bullshit nonsense like that, and if it were ME, then his food would’ve likely stayed right where it was at! Cause…he wouldn’t deserve to have that done, after retorting a childish response like that to me! I’d tell him to get up

February 4, 2010

Aww he was pouting like a 2 year old. How on earth can you plan for the end of the year when it’s only February!

February 4, 2010

off his ass and do it himself! And…the “push over” statement, well…only you can draw your own conclusion from that! Lol. Sorry you’re not feeling any better, and really hope that your health starts to take a turn around for the better soon! Also, sorry you didn’t get to cuddle with your boys!

You wrote a lot and my mind is a blur right now but I promise I will come back to read this entry in a bit. 🙂

February 4, 2010

Eeeehhhh, sorry, BABOO did that? I thought you were talking about one of your children! What a baby! HAHA.

“I also kept hearing footsteps and thinking about zombies… because I’m insane.” unless you’re being stalked by zombies of course, in which case you’d be quite sane.

haha josh is such a grouch when he’s sleeping, too! us girls can do the most courteous and sweet things and they’re just like “RAWR! I’M SLEEPING SNORE SNORE RAWRRR!” lol. I hope everything works out though that you have a secure job, you can afford your wedding, and you get to go to Guatemala with Baboo’s family! Good luck, you deserve it. 🙂

Its perfectly okay to be selfish hon when it comes to your jorb. /huggle feel better zombie queen! Chris