well fuck me twice and call me nancy *E












Well friends…

I’m officially fucked.

I can’t access any apps on facebook.

and there ends my auspicious career as facebook app queen.

I’ll be able to do it when I’m home, but it won’t be as awesome as it is now.

I hope my crops don’t die.

Or my fish.

and a bunch of food is probably gonna spoil today, but nothing I can do about that.

I’m depressed.

yeah, I can get on facebook and update my status, but no apps.

I can’t get to ANY proxy servers, they are ALL blocked. Like some secret magic wizard knows all sites that might be a proxy and has blocked them.

The only proxy I can get to is the one Baboo has… and well… it won’t load facebook.

I’m depressed.

kill me now.


*E: oh yeah! and to make the day even BETTER, jonathon went to the before school program, threatened to hit a girl and throw a chair, yelled and screamed at the teachers and is basically getting kicked out.


this is the best day EVER!

Log in to write a note

That suuuuuuuuuuucks!

oh nooooo 🙁

October 8, 2009

Oh that blows big ones.

October 8, 2009

Oh no. What set him off? Do you know? Are you sure the apps are just not working right now. Maybe you should try later. Just to make sure.

Man that sucks!

October 8, 2009

Sad. 🙁

October 8, 2009

boo hiss!

October 8, 2009

sometimes my apps dont work on facebook something about the flash not working?

Ooooh no. Oh no no no. I can’t believe they blocked it! 🙁 Also, WTF?

October 8, 2009

Well I enjoy your Facebook updates a lot, but I miss your more frequent OD updates! But Facebook goes all crazy on my sometimes. Sorry to hear about Jonathan. Sometimes the brightest kids have trouble at that age. There must be something in the air, lots of my friends are having trouble with their kids today.

October 9, 2009

So I’ve read through the last three entries about Jon, I have something that may be some consolation. My daughter is on a patch called Daytrana. It helps her focus. Lots of kids are on meds now days, some that need them and some that don’t. Now, when L first started the “med” thing it was aweful. We went through so many medications until we finally found the right one for her. I remember one day

October 9, 2009

she got out of school early and she was just sitting on the couch beside me, like a doped up zombie, and I started crying my eyes out. “what am I doing to my child” I immediatly took her off the meds and made a dr appt. Finally, after many attempts with other drugs, we found the right one. She’s on a very low dose and actually says it helps her. I felt just like you, I didn’t want my kid on meds

October 9, 2009

walking around all doped up. Most of the time, I don’t give it to her on weekends, just during school days. This is the begining of a long battle but it’s so worth it for you & Jon. Good luck!

October 11, 2009