Yes, I’m a brat.

I"m sitting here waiting for the damn car place to call me and tell me the bad news. I keep hoping against hope that it’s not going to be that bad and it’ll only be a little bit of money to fix.

But I know I’m wrong. And it makes me feel crazy.

I sorta got called on the relative trivialness of my issue in comparison to what could be going wrong, and I recognize that maybe it’s not horrible. But… my car is my lifeline. Without my car I have to figure out how to do things soley with a bus, and that’s hard with two kids and working over 2 hours away with public transit. It will be hard to grocery shop. It will be hard to do everything. I won’t even be able to get rid of the car because my credit is THAT messed up. I can just park it somewhere and let it grow rust for the next 2 years.

It really sucks and I have NO WAY OUT of it. *sigh*

The only thing that might help is that I can try to pay my rent late for the millionth time and use my last paycheck this month to finance the repairs my car will need. I really DIDN’T want to do that. I hate that I’ve been late so much and it just sucks. But it will be my only out. It will suck.

oh my lord. Baboo just showed up! I so wasn’t expecting him to come here! It’s a nice surprise. I wish the car people would call me šŸ™

By the way my stupid car is a stupid Kia Sorento. And I hate it. I’m never buying a nother piece of shit kia!

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December 22, 2008

Hugs.! Sorry about your car hun.!

i’m a brat too. so you’re in good (bad?) company.

December 22, 2008

I know how this feels and you so wish you could make your debtors know, this isnt how it is supposed to be, I AM responsible, but stuff just piles up and piles up and argh!!!

cars suck. /huggles. 1200 dollars later i feel you <3 Chris

December 22, 2008

Hope your Love Muffin road trip isn’t jeopardized!@@ :O

December 30, 2008

Tell me about it! I don’t have the same car but I have the same stupid car issues.