little bit of good, whole lot of bad


I hate today.

Just saying.

So there will more than likely be a lot of rambly entries from me today. I have THINGS to talk about. Like sex. Like my dumb car. Like my dumb finances. Like my dumb everything.

I was in SUCH an under-stressed good mood lately, it was bound to all come tumbling down on me and make me upset. I’m just so angry that my transmission is going out. Why do I have all this horrible luck with cars? I mean seriously, it’s crap and I’m totally undone about it because I just don’t want to have to use money that is supposed to go towards rent and bills on fixing my car. I wanted to catch up on my finances and be ok.

but now it’s not looking so good.

I do plan on calling my credit union today and see if they can give me a loan. I want about 10K.

I know that’s a lot right?

But it will help me debt consolidate and pay for my car repairs.

That’s what I’m hoping.

The credit union can then take like 400 bucks a paycheck (that they already sorta take anyway, it goes into a savings acct) to pay it off. My credit is crappy and I’m pretty sure they’ll say no. but I have to TRY.

I really do.


the one bright spot in all of this is that it’s not going to effect my trip to see my Love Muffin at all! Nope! I am renting a car for that little exscursion, so I don’t even have to worry about my dumb car for the few days I’m gone and the rest of the weekend once I get back. I turn the car back in on Jan 5th so I have up until then.

I might try to put the car into the shop on Saturday when I get home, but it all depends on how much it costs if I can fix it. If I can’t fix it, then I guess I just park it until I can. I will have to go back on an evil 8 hour a day 5 day a week schedule again, no more thurfriday *sob* so that I can take the bus. I will have to figure out a new way to go shopping and yeah… just save up my pennies until I can pay for it.

I dont’ WANT to use my income tax return money on anything but bills, the divorce and moving. but it looks like it’ll probably go into my car and the divorce.

and I may not get to move.

I am very upset about this, but what can I do if I don’t have a car?


I did get a BUNCH of presents from my co workers. I plan to line them all up and take a picture.

I feel loved.

hee hee.

my brain hurts.

I’ll be back.


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December 23, 2008

I am so sorry about your car.

December 23, 2008

I’m sorry momo…. I punch the car…in the HEADLIGHTS!!!!!

Good luck with getting a loan to fix everything and catch up! I’m hoping to get one so that I can get a new car after tax time. Ugh. Such a pain!

That freakin’ sucks about your car. I hate when major things go wrong, especially around the holidays when money is tight enough as it is. Hang in there, at least you have New Years to look forward to!

December 23, 2008

As long as your LoveMuffin trip is intact….you’ll be OK!