You had to be there


I have this crazy cough going on right now. I don’t understand it.

Everytime I laugh or whatever, I go into a coughing fit. And then randomly throughout the day.

stupid coughing. GO AWAY COUGHING!!!!

so yesterday baboo and I got into a silly fun argument (we do this all the time, its not serious, we just tease each other relentlessly in a total junior high fashion) and I started calling myself "First Knowledge" and he was "Second Knowledge"… because I know everything and he just knows most things.


So anyway, I was trying to think of a way to shorten the nickname when I came up with 2K.. oddly enough, in some of his screen names, he puts 2K at the end!

So I was like "It was foretold! You can only be the second knowledge!!!! 2k!!!!"

And he was like "nooooooo!!!"

and then I was like "You can call me 1K if you like"

and he was like "Noooooo!!!" again.


maybe you had to be there.

I gave him a BJ last night, but it wasn’t for very long because we started watching True Blood and I had to stop.

Do you know we’re only on the third episode?! Lame!!!!

So I don’t know what’s going on and I always have to skip when people start talking about it.

I watch way too much tv.

I had a dream last night tha I had another baby. It was a boy andI was obsessed with breastfeeding him.

the the whole dream turned into a video game where baboo and I were jumping over buildings and crap and I was just worrying about getting home to the baby before it got hungry again.

Weird ass shit.

My beans came out pretty decent last night. I ended up having to put parmesan cheese on them, but it was really tasty after that.

I also made corn muffins.

Here’s a thought, why don’t you make sure the muffin tins have been lubricated first.

They ended up being corn muffin TOPS.

Oh well, they were delicious.

why am I always talking about food?!

My eye is twitching and it is QUITE annoying.

I got an email inviting me to do the Final Fantasy XIV Beta test again! Oh boy!

I’m gonna apply, but they didn’t pick me last time, so I’m not all jizzing in my pants over it or anything.

Not that I actually have ever jizzed in my pants.

Do girls jizz? I’m not talking about squirting.


I have no idea.

Anyhow, gotta get to work. My boss was here early, so she’ll probably start making her "let me peek into your cubicle and spy on you" rounds soon enough.

She does it every day, but I’m usually done with my first entry before she even gets in to work!



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  Last Words (A zombie apocalypse survival diary, for your reading pleasure and future knowledge when they take over the world. Yes, I am the author.)

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All you need to know about True Blood is: Eric Northman. Omigaaaaaaaaa! Always, always lubricate the cups. Always.

I wanna start watching that show. I’m pretty sure girls jizz. My boss is gone for the day WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

August 31, 2010

….when you got to the part about girls squirting my face did this: O_o I love how you stopped giving him a BJ just to watch True Blood. It’s THAT GOOD. I just finished episodes 3&4 last night and am anticipating 5&6 to be delivered for my viewing pleasure tomorrow

I have season one on my hard drive but still haven’t started watching it. I’ve heard it’s good, I should start watching it. Glad your beans came out ok! I need to pick up some fresh parmesan for pasta and what not.

There is NO television show that is so good as to interrupt a blowjob.

August 31, 2010

I love me some Eric. He’s all hot and so yummy.

August 31, 2010

<3 me some Eric Northman. And Alcide Herveaux. Yes! It is always best to lubricate… Wait we’re talking about baking? ;D Sounds like you might be congested- had a cold or anything lately? It might have settled in your chest and need some Mucinex to boot it out!

LOL! thanks…so yesterday i get home from work and two boys RAN from the apartment and my daughter looked liked OH SHIT!!!!!! so yea…i’m going to have to lock her in a closet. of course there was a story…blah blah blah…i don’t think she did anything…but, yea. it’s only a matter of time. I WISH I HAD BOYS!!!

August 31, 2010

Nothing like a good BJ!! (I’m guessing) I love True Blood and I have all the episodes recorded but I haven’t sat down to watch them. Maybe I’ll try to get Patrick hooked on it so I can, haha.

RYN: I hope this doesn’t sound creepy coming from me, but that’s a fucking crime. Why a guy wouldn’t want a blowjob from a totally hot woman is completely beyond me.

August 31, 2010

How can you stop a BJ for any reason? Baboo should’ve paused the episode so you could finish! FFXIV beta, nice! I should try to opt in on that. I like games.

August 31, 2010

Not big on MMORPG’s, but this is FF. Might have to give it a look… If you do miraculously get in let me know what it’s like.

August 31, 2010

Hugs. Ha! Stopping in the middle of a blow job. I’m sure guys appreciate that. 😉 Lol.

August 31, 2010

Mmmmm, muffin tops! You know Eggo actually makes a product where it’s just muffin tops.

wow this was an interesting entry.. lol. xx

Ugh my work internet is sucking today. I typed a note, but it didn’t save. I think it went something like… Your conversation with Baboo made me laugh. It reminds me of Phill and I, because half the jokes we crack with each other most people wouldn’t understand let alone find humerous.

RYN: Mymymy…someone certainly enjoys pushing the envelope, don’t they? 😉