Unfortunately, I’ve come down from my Dayquil buzz. I’m so distressed.

I will probably take more in a few cuz I can fee the headache that has been gone all day creeping back up and I’d rather feel loopy!

Ha ha.

but right now I’m going to post some ZOMBIE Tigger pics. I’m sure some of you were wondering what happened. I shall start from the beginning!

First, Here is my happy desk tigger, just minding his own business:

Doesn’t he look cute and happy?

But then! *dun dun dunnnnnn*

Last week I came in to find this:

Yes friends… someone killed Tigger.

I was so sad.

I buried him in a paperclip grave…

but the next morning:

he had risen from the dead! Onoes!

So now I have a horrible zombie tigger terrorizing my desk!

(this pic is gonna get better, but i did this one fast… people kept coming around my desk!)

Now, Zombie Tigger has been sorta helpful… this morning some evil co worker came by with DONUTS and PUT ONE ON MY DESK!

ZOMBIE Tigger made quick work of that evil thing!

but you can’t leave a ZOMBIE Tigger ot his own devices. I left my desk for only a few moments and came back to this *sniffle sniff*

He killed all those poor defenseless "Sign Here" tabs. It’s horrible!!!! I had to restrain him, but he’s chewing his way out of the cage. I’m not sure what I’m going to come to work to tomorrow…

Oh Lord Have Mercy On Us Allllll!!!


I told you zombies would take over the earth.

And it’s starting at my desk!


*end note: I only ate that ONE BITE of the donut. then I threw the rest out at lunch. It was just too greasy. I know, horrible and wrong and the donut king is very angry with me. But I didn’t want it…. ha ha… okthanksiloveyoubyebye!

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LOL you are so hilarious 🙂 ZOMBIE TIGGER!!!!!!!!! Chris

December 10, 2008

oh gosh you’re hilarious. hahaha! Love it!

December 10, 2008

This totally made my day. I love you! LOL!

December 10, 2008


December 10, 2008


December 10, 2008

Love it!!! ;o) hehe!!

December 10, 2008

OMG… that’s too great!

OMG you scare me sometimes!!! Okay, not really. You crack my ass up though!

Hahaha…you goof. 😛 I snorted my tea. SHEESH. lol

December 10, 2008

LMFAO – You have wayyyyy too much time at work! That is HILARIOUS, Monique! <3 ya!

December 10, 2008

Heheh. RYN: Glad you liked it.

December 10, 2008

too much spare time.

hahaha. =]

December 11, 2008

I wanna color!

LOL I love your entries. I never know what to expect half the time.

December 15, 2008

This made me laugh heartily!!!!!!