Hmmm is this going to be the same?

I’m back…….

Unfortunately I am unable to remember any of my information to retrieve my original journal and am starting from scratch, but that’s ok I still have it on a jump drive because I was able to download it before the sight went down. I actually had started to print in and glue it in to a book. I got a few done and then life got in the way. 

I am so happy to finally have my safe place back, my place to vomit all my anxiety out. I have tried so many different sites but nothing was like writing here!

My life has changed so dramatically since I was on here, I am divorced and survived living with a heroin addict and finally making the decision to let go. I spent almost 6 yrs single 2 of which I attempted dating a whole story in its self which I will document eventually. I was diagnosed with Lupus, RA and Fibromyalgia two yrs ago this past May. After multiple medications I think I may be back on track to feeling better. I have been on disability for the last 5mths, so there’s that!  

The latest news is I decided to get a body perm in hopes of lifting my natural curl a bit and the person who did it burned my hair! In all my bad hair experiences I have never had this happen! When your hair is burned when it gets wet it takes forever I mean forever to dry!

In my last journal I took a picture and added with my signature and I will do the same here…

Or not because I can’t go into HTML and edit, WTF!

Till Next Time Bitches

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October 24, 2018

Welcome back to OpenDiary.

It sounds like you’ve been going through a ton of crap over the past few years. Hopefully this site can be the same special place that it used to be for you. Good luck with battling through your health issues.

October 24, 2018

Welcome to the OD, and I hope positive things start happening for you *sprinkles magic dust*

October 25, 2018

Hi, and welcome back – it’s good to have you here!

October 29, 2018

Welcome back to Open Diary!  We are a small group but growing.  It’s always nice to “see” new faces.

October 29, 2018

Welcome! I would have ptsd from that hairexperience, not sure I would trust anyone to touch it again.