
It has been two weeks.  They have been… somewhat awful.

My job has taken a decided turn for the worse, with BossBoss singling me out as a time-waster and inefficient lout.  I don’t even want to talk about it any more.  I’ve decided to quit a month earlier than before, which is… slightly comforting, but not really.

I named my cat Ender.  In this, there is much nerd-foo.


Logan called this morning, and we were able to talk for about an hour.  I miss him.  It’s so hard to talk to him since he moved to Japan.  So much time difference.

When I think about Logan too hard, there’s this giant gap that appears between my head and my heart.  I am out of alignment, out of phase.  The world seems a millisecond or two ahead.  I am pulled in two different directions, stretched like taffy.

I wish they would talk to each other.

A side effect of hiding from BossBoss all the time is my lack of access to a computer during work hours.  This is the real reason for my pseudo-disappearance.  I will write more as I figure out this scheduling thing.  I will answer notes, too.  Someday.  For reals.

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February 1, 2012

RYN: Ok, so I feel terrible. You noted me like a month ago asking where I MUD and I never got a chance to respond. I used to MUD on Prophecies of the Pattern, which is a MUD based off of the Wheel of Time series. It wasn’t very big, but it used to be a lot of fun.

February 3, 2012

you have Linux tagged on your interests, does that mean you use it? still trying to get to grips with ubuntu here.

March 10, 2012