Colorful Deprivation

Polyphasic day 2.

I hope this is the worst of it.  I just woke up (if you can call it that) from the core sleep about an hour ago, and I’m just dragging.  Dragging.  I took a shower, and when I got out, I was pleased with how long it took.  "That’s an hour and a half cut out of the time I need to stay awake," I proudly proclaimed to myself.  Nuh uh.  30 minutes.  Shovelled down some food, even though I didn’t feel hungry.  Hopefully that will help.

I’ve been drawing a lot more since yesterday.  It’s good.  I’m taking my time, too, which is better.  My art is always better when I stop to focus on the details.  Speaking of details, somehow I managed to put the toilet paper roll on backwards this morning, and I couldn’t manage to turn it around.  Couldn’t physically summon the energy to do it.  Maybe when I’m more awake later the caring will take more control.

Almost all willpower now is on just staying awake.  Just four more hours.  Then I can take a nap.

Jason came over last night to partake in delicious vegetarian pot pie.  It was delicious.  We talked about DnD.  He excused himself at around 10:30 when it was clear I was no longer able to hold a conversation.  I arted more.  Then went to bed.  How weird is that that it was only four or so hours ago?

I can definitely understand the trap of failing at polyphasic sleep.  I am so tired, I’m pretty sure I’d get nothing but seratonin from my brain if I were to sleep right now.  Sooo much want.  It is taking every ounce of my willpower to stay awake right now.  Typing/actively using my brain isn’t helping like it did yesterday.  Hopefully this will get better as the day progresses.  It being the absolute middle of the night (3:32 atm) means that I’m very used to being asleep at this hour.

Thank God Denise cancelled riding lessons.  The barn takes a break for Christmas.  Somewhere in there I’d planned to go riding today.  Not sure where I came up with that genius idea.  I can barely take care of my hygiene this morning, let alone ride a horse.

Maybe My Little Pony will help.  Mmmmm, colors.

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December 24, 2011

very interesting sleep experiment. im such a sleepy person. i LOVE sleeping. it takes up too much time of my life. i wish i could figure out another sleeping pattern. this sounds tough though and with a full time job, v challenging! looking forward 2 read more

December 24, 2011

ryn;; Thank you so much for your note & the sweet compliments it was filled with! ♥!

December 28, 2011

Thank you so much for your note. I really appreciate it. I hope you’ve been having very happy holidays and getting some healing, restful sleep. What kind of art do you do? What medium do you use? I have to admit, I really admire those of you who can make art. I couldn’t draw my way out of a paper bag. *chuckles* And I have no musical talent either. Writing is the closest to art I can get…and sometimes it feels a very long way off… Please take good care and thank you again for your note.