So it turns out I avoid failure

Definitely failed the sleep experiment, about two hours after I wrote my last article.  I’ve been avoiding Open Diary ever since, because I hate admitting failure.

But hey!  This is my diary, so I can avoid that!  I’ll just write about other stuffs.

New Years was pretty great.  I got much more drunk than I had planned…  Three whole shots.  You may think that doesn’t sound like a lot, but trust me when I say that I was really drunk.  It doesn’t take much.  New Year’s was also Alex’s birthday, so I croched him a Cthulhu doll!  It’s about the most precious/evil thing ever.  I shall call it Cthuddly.

I’ve taken a whole bunch of pictures of it, but due to complications they won’t be up here any time soon.  My brother borrowed my camera while back, and that’s just led to problem after problem after problem.  He basically needed to reformat the memory card to be able to sync it to his Mac.  He did this, and I lost almost all of my pictures of Dyrim, which was frustrating.  (Totally my fault, though; I didn’t think about retrieving the pictures before handing over the camera).  I got the camera back, got a few pictures of Dyrim after he’d had his eye out, and then found that I couldn’t use my camera with my computer anymore.


Macs just don’t play nice with the other kids.  After a few hours plus talking on the phone with my brother, we think we figured out what the problem is, I just need to use his computer to fix it.  So I have pictures, but I can’t use them until I steal my brother.  Hopefully I’ll be able to reformat the card again after getting the pictures so it will be FAT or something else that I can read.  I wonder if my camera will work with the card as EXT4?  I can have a Linux camera.  ^^

So, lesse.  Ah, yes.  Cats.  I am going to get one.  No More Homeless Pets has a great adoptable pet listing on their website, and I’ve been browsing it for a while.  All of their cats live with foster homes, and each cat gets a paragraph or two written about their personality.  That’s posted with 3-4 high resolution pictures of each cat, so it’s a really complete picture overall.  Bryan and I got our hearts melted by Emily, who is basically described as a cuddle puddle that won’t leave you alone.  She used to live in a feral cat colony that got poisoned, and she was one of the few survivors.  At some point (a result of the poisoning?) she had to have all of her teeth removed, so she can gum you while she plays.  I think it sounds cute.  🙂

We’ll meet the kitty on Saturday, and if she’s a good fit, we’ll bring her home!  Have some pictures.

And my personal favorite:

I’m pretty sure Saturday will be a good day.
(Also it is a new release of Ponies)

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January 4, 2012


January 4, 2012

she looks like my cat Atticus!

January 4, 2012

Omg its so cute. So does it only eat soft pasty food like for kittens? No teeth is better man… my kitten keeps biting me even though i keep yelling “No!” at it. I can’t even cuddle with her because of this =( it makes me sad

January 5, 2012

Yeah I do my best to avoid writing whiney things on the web. I know I hate reading them from other people, so I do as I would be done by. Thanks for the note on my post. I’m still looking for reasons to continue writing it. =D

January 26, 2012

Sorry to read the sleep experiment didn’t work out. Friggin’ Apple trying to impose their closed-source way of doing things…