FIP and on to happier subjects

Bryan and I finally got the pathology report back on Dyrim’s eye.  They’re almost certain that he had FIP, or Feline Infectious Peritonitis.  FIP invades the immune system (the macrophages, specifically) which it commandeers to attack the rest of the organs.  A lot of cats show symptoms in their lungs and spine (not breathing well, fluid in the lungs, inability to walk, seizures), but it can show up in any organ.  It looks like it attacked Dyrim’s eye and liver and/or kidneys.  Some people might find it strange, but I feel comforted by the fact that he had a fatal disease.  It means that I know I did everything possible to help him, and that he didn’t die by any mistake or decision of mine.

On to happier thoughts!

I get a new kitty on Saturday!  Squee!

I also managed to get up the (digital) painting that I made while under sleep deprivation.  Once I had sleep, I had to go back and delete all of the detail work, because it was just bad.  Doing details is much easier and better when done with a proper amount of brain control.  Also, it should be mentioned that this is someone else’s lineart, I only did the color.  I’m working on getting better at my own lineart; patience goes a long way in quality.  Patience and practice, I suppose.

I’m a little unhappy with Photobucket’s compression algorithm– it has made my image look much more pixelated than I’d like.  Ah well, such are the trials of free image hosting.

Has anyone noticed how annoying anti-virus software is?  Since I have to use Windows at work, I’ve become increasingly annoyed with it.  How did I ever used to manage?  It pops up and asks me if I’m sure about EVERYTHING.  It takes an additional 5 seconds to check my downloads for viruses.  It whines when I don’t leave it on auto-update, and it slows down my computer when it is on auto-update.  I just can’t win!  Why hasn’t the world switched to Linux yet?  *pout*

My brother is supposed to come over this evening and fix my camera once and for all.  I want my pictures, damnit!  *shakes fist*  Once I get that all up and working you guys will be graced with some lovely shots of Cthuddly and the Twilight Sparkle doll that I’m crocheting.  As well as the Victorian/Gothic necklace that I made way back.  Crafty pictures!

Sentence fragments!

I woke up this morning and almost decided to sleep in; fortunately I realized that I had only dreamed Thursday and Friday away.  "Oh wait, it’s not Saturday, dur."  I think I’m too excited to get this new kitty.  That and being frustrated with my job leads me to want the weekend to come extra extra hard.  Time to go StumbleUpon and read!  I still need to waste almost six hours of today before I can go home.

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January 5, 2012

I have a job wasting time too! I wish it paid better. I’ve tried to read Robert Jordan before, but couldn’t stand it. There’s too much detail for me. Where Stephen King writes “See Spot maul Jane,” Jordan writes “See Spot enter the Forest of Gnomes that was once a verdant field until the Battle of SuchandSuch etc. . . at the end of the chapter, we might meet Jane, if we’re lucky.

January 5, 2012

I don’t really like either author, for their extremes. My favorite pure fantasy series is probably the Deathgate Cycle by Margaret Weiss. Or Rose of the Prophet. I haven’t tried Dickens as an adult but have never been terribly fond of classic literature. I do like Heinlein, Gaiman, and Hemingway a lot however.

January 5, 2012

Returning your note and adding you to my bookmarks. Make sure you post a picture of your new kitty! =3