Birth Story

Monday night after arriving home from work, we settled in like most nights of cooking dinnering and watching a little TV. It was while we where sitting down, that I wondered why Callum hadn’t moved all day and that got me thinking that I hadn’t felt him move for most of the weekend just gone. After talking about it with Matt we rang the local Hospital and asked if it was ok if we came in for a check up. They hooked me up to the baby vital machine which showed that Callum’s heartbeat was 156 then it would dropped down to 70. This was happing very 5 to 10 minutes. They faxed the Royal Women’s Hospital the print out and we where told to come in stright away. They also hooked us up to the baby vital machine and his heartbeat kept having these drops and highs. After being hooked up and watched, the doctor was called and she told us that his was in distress and that it was best for him to be born. A natural birth was out of the question due to the fetal distress.

At 3am I was taken into the op room and it took over 45 minutes and four trys to get the spinal block in. It’s an interesting feeling to not be able to move your legs, bum and chest very interesting. Matt was then called into the room and they started to open me up. Membranes ruptured at 4.05am which was clear liquor, then Callum was Born at 4.07am on Tuesday the 28th of October weighing 1.411 kilos. It was now found that the placenta was incomplete and that it weighed 460gms and that the umbillcal cord was thicker and longer then what it should have been and it was wraped around Callums body. Callum’s APGARS where 1 min = 4 and 5 min = 8 and his time to establish respiration was 2 minutes. I was then taken into recovery and Callum was taken up to the NICU. Matt stayed with him the whole time while they got him settled into the NICU. Matt then came to see me with the first photo of Callum taken :o) After having a sleep and a wash I was wheeled up and I got to see my baby boy. He is just so cute and has lots of fair blonde hair.


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Congrats! I’m glad things worked out. It’s a good thing you realized what was going on. Sweet boy!

*hugs* i’m glad you spotted he wasn’t moving much, doesn’t bear thinking about if you’d waited longer.

OH my what an ordeal!

November 1, 2003

Congratulations! He’s lovely! I just know that everything will work out fine!

November 3, 2003

Hi, I found your diary by random. What an experience! Looks like he’s in very good hands too. When I was in the hospital having my son, the woman I was sharing a room with had her son 8 weeks early, but he was huge at 6 pound or something. My son was 6 pound full term!

November 3, 2003

I am glad everything turned out okay! C-sections are not fun at all 🙁

November 3, 2003

*Hugs* I’m so glad that things worked out. I hope that all is well and he’s able to come home very soon!

Tristan’s heartrate did the same thing due to the cord around the neck. Glad to see that he looks okay though.

November 10, 2003

He’s beautiful, so much hair (saw the pic on your DD). My thoughts are with you that he thrives & is home and in your arms very soon. hugs,

November 11, 2003

{{{{{{}}}}}}} oh wow! ~ajaye

oh wow i am glad everything is ok,and he is home doing well now.congrats!!

January 9, 2004

Congratulations! I hope things work out for the best =) *even though i know they do. i have been going through your diary from the recent LOL* he was born so small =)

awwww, you give me inspiration