
Life occurs everyday.
For me and the people around me
who move in lines through
train stations and walk
across roads at green lights,
there will never be any more
than this neon lighted
walk to existance
in a mcdonalds drinking
coffee at 6am. Bleary
eyes make conversation diffecult
so they huddle in their
private booths clutching
paper cups and blurring
in a plume of steam from
the boiling cup in their
hands. They hunch their
shoulders and rubs their
gloved hands together and
make brrrrrrr! noises.
But nobody talks.
Except the couple of
middle aged women who
must work together close
to here because they
met twenty minutes ago and
haven’t stopped for breath
since. They discuss the
photocopier and how the new
one is harder to use than
the old one. One of them
receives a text message and
reads it aloud to her friend-
“I miss you, have a good day”.
They both smile and
make eyes which show feeling.
The feeling is not exact but
I believe the woman
was happy she had received
this message so early.

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