
So… where to begin? I feel like I’m starting a journal all over again every time I write an entry because it’s been so long since my LAST entry, you know? I feel like I should write an introduction to me. But you all know me. And those of you that don’t know me, well… Hi. I’m Renee.

Gawd it’s been an exhausting few weeks. I feel like I haven’t had a chance to relax since… early November. Thanksgiving and Christmas back to back is just not a good idea. Who thought that up? They should be shot!

Luckily this Thanksgiving was pretty easy as I decided that I wanted to see my Father about as much as I wanted to shoot myself in the head, so … I didn’t go out to his house. Was I missed? Not really. Did I care? Not really. Teresa and Julia are now bugging me to go out to the house for Christmas but you know, I really don’t think I’ll be doing that either. It’s not my home anymore. My home is my apartment. If he wants to see me, he can come see me. The only thing I miss is our dog, Rocko.

Julia is living with us full time now. Did I mention that? It’s… good AND bad. I like having her there because I don’t have to worry about her, but .. she’s 16 years old and you know how 16 year olds can be. They’re inconsiderate and rude. She doesn’t take care of anything. I can’t remember the last time I saw her clean. OH, wait, yes I do. Well, not really clean. She threw all of her clothes onto the floor in her closet when her boyfriend Kiefer was coming over for the first time.

Yes. I said Kiefer. I have no idea if he was named after Kiefer Sutherland or not but I think he probably was. He’s a good kid. I like him. If he gets my sister pregnant, I will murder him.

Went a few weekends ago to Atlanta to see this man:


Yes, that would be Mr. A-Z himself, Jason Mraz. He was amazing in concert. Someone uploaded a bunch of stuff from the concert on YouTube and I spent an hour or so last week just watching them and reliving the concert experience. The concert was fantastic. Lisa Hannigan opened for him and she has a gorgeous voice. I’m in love with her cover of Iron and Wine’s Free Until They Cut Me Down. I found an MP3 of it and I’ve been listening to it over and over and over again in my car.

Other than that I’ve been trying not to go broke and buy Christmas presents. Threadless should really not have a sale right now because I want to buy nearly EVERY t-shirt. I bought three since the sale started (Doodlebug, A Fathom Farewell, and I Always Liked Your Porridge Best… I love that one soooooo much!) There’s sooooo many more I would buy if I had the money. Oh well. I’ll just have to save it for the next sale.

Well, I have more to say but it’s about time for me to hit the desk so I should go. I hope everyone is doing well!

*hugs* *loves*

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December 16, 2008

that’s so cool you got to see him! I’m glad you had fun. I’m also glad you’ve gotten to a place in your life where the negatives aren’t taking over and dragging you down. That’s awesome. I hope things get better with your sister. Teenagers are hard. I’m shipping my kids away to obedience school when they reach that age! ha ha, if only!

December 16, 2008

I’m so glad you updated! I love you so much Renee.

December 17, 2008

Yay! for update. Boo! for Christmas leaving everyone skint.