It needs to be a novel!

Over the weekend I sent my short story about time travel and the end of the world to a friend who is an editor. It’s the same story that I had submitted to a contest and was rejected.  She loved the story and is doing an edit for me but she feels the book has too much potential for a short story and should be expanded into a novel.

I keep getting swept up in life and have not sat my ass down to write. I need to change that. Even if I just write for 30 minutes a day. These stories that I have running in my head are not going away and are not writing themselves despite my pleading. Currently I have three potential books on the table.

– Messiah story
– Time travel / end of world
– Sci-Fi / Prison planet / woman trapped

I spoke to my wife about quitting work to write. The answer was no. Pipe dream, right? So I’m back to the 30 minutes a day plan.

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May 14, 2018

I have that issue too, not sitting down to write. I wish I could quit my job and just write, but I’m single and have to pay my own bills. 30 minutes a day sounds like a plan. I do a work count:1000 – 1500/words a day.

I have snippets of stories in my head; I’m not even sure if they are good ideas. I guess I should just write and see what comes out.

May 23, 2018

@mara3470 National Novel Writing Month (NanoWrimo) helped me get over that issue of whether its good and I just wrote. It was freeing.


May 23, 2018

thanks  for  adding  me