Finally back!


I know it’s been outrageously long since I’ve written.  We do have internet now, and I’m looking forward to writing to a long catchup entry to share with you all, but I don’t quite have time for that this morning. 

I do have some wonderful news to share, though.  I know the last time I wrote I talked about a promotion that I was up for at the time.  Well, we had a few bad weeks in February when I was passed over for the promotion and then, because the corporate office found out that Aaron and I were married, he was let go from his position.   I had a bit of time where I really struggled to stay motivated to do my job. 


I was promoted unexpectedly this week, because the employee originally promoted had to step down due to family issues. 

My take home pay doubled overnight.  Unfortunately, the hours I work a week went from 40 to nearly sixty,  but I’m trying to keep the end goal in mind: just a couple of years working like this and we can be debt free!  Also, I have the chance of promoting to general manager which would double my salary again. 

Baby steps, baby steps. 


As for the kids, they’re ridiculously cute, and little troublemakers, all of them.  Logan turns two next month!

Chloe’s doing well in school.  We switched her over to Time4Learning, which is an online school, and she likes that much better.  We’re still supplementing with science and history projects when she shows interest, but she’s one of those children who will push back a lot if something isn’t her idea (or if she thinks it isn’t).  For now, she likes to do school on the laptop, so that’s what we do.  🙂 


I’m really looking forward to catching up with everyone again, and to start writing regularly again!  I’ve really missed this place!

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