restored motivation





As I’m sure all of you have noticed, I never did get around to posting photos of the wedding.  I still haven’t finished it!  I started to get SO down and discouraged because it was taking me so long to edit; that’s something I really wasn’t prepared for at all.  And I was just plain frustrated by the fact that I couldn’t find more than 15 minutes at a time to sit down and work on it.  Plus I had homework piling up, everyday crap to deal with, etc, etc. 

But tonight, I just flat out said to myself, "Okay, it’s time to finish this!"  I’ve only got a handful of photos left, and then I’ll need to convert/watermark/archive the lot of them, and then I’ll be finished.  Finished!  And I’m so excited to be finished, because I’m anxious to get the photos up on my website.  

Speaking of the website, it’s nearly finished.  I’m still choosing images for all of the pages and tweaking the colors, but I’ve written up all of the sections.  I can’t wait to "unveil" it so I can find out what you guys think.

I’ve registered for my final quarter of classes, and it looks like my schedule will be exactly the same as this quarter (MWF, 8-1) plus one online class.  So, I’ll be busier.  Yay.  I definitely won’t be taking on a lot of weddings or huge photography commitments this fall.  I don’t want to end up overextended and grumpy.  I plan on just taking my time to build up my business image, to learn about all the boring things I need to learn about (taxes – blech), take on photo sessions as I think I can handle them with my schedule, and do the best I can.  My goal is to be wrapping up the "portfolio building" part of the business and actually charging full prices by next fall. 


In other news, Ben has been an absolute teething monster these past few days.  He hasn’t been sleeping (was actually awake for eight hours straight yesterday!), and is whining and grumping around like crazy.  And throwing outright temper tantrums!  I couldn’t believe it the first time: I took a piece of paper away from him so he didn’t try to ingest it (his favorite activity) and he sat there and screamed and kicked his fat little legs until he spied another toy to play with.  Tantrums at eight months.  There go my dreams of a nice, quiet younger child. 

Aaron finally moved Ben’s crib into my bedroom.  He slept in it for the first time last night, for about half the night.  He’s also sleeping in it right now.  We’ll see how long he makes it tonight. 

Well, I’m gonna go finish off the four (four!) photos I have left to edit, and then begin the massive task of organizing them for presentation.  Good night, all!

lilypie 3rd birthday tickerlilypie 1st birthday ticker







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