1,377 Days Later

Well, this was a nice unexpected surprise.

The timing is pretty good, though. I feel as if I’ve needed a place to just kvetch (and share, but let’s be honest, there will be a lot of kvetching here). Facebook has gotten just … awful. Or it has always been awful and I’ve recently realized that awful its awfulness far outweighs the benefits I get from it. PLUS I was able to break the habit of checking it. I guess Facebook was like smoking.

I like Twitter. I should say, I “like” Twitter. There are plenty of people who use Twitter well and are worth following. I read, but I rarely tweet. I don’t need to add to that toilet.

I’ve recently felt like I need to react to things, but I haven’t had a place to do it semi-anonymously.

Then I got the email from the DM!

What’s funny, since OD went down, I would occasionally visit opendiary.com just to see the error screen. I don’t know. Maybe I needed to be reminded of a very specific sadness, and that error screen fit that bill. A few weeks ago, I almost did it, but I didn’t. If I had, I would’ve seen that it was coming back and I would’ve had so many questions.

You guys, what we’re doing is such a secret, the Wikipedia entry for Open Diary doesn’t even know it’s here! There’s a tiny part of me that’s a little jealous saying, “Oh, they’ve been doing this for a few weeks now and they’re just telling me about it now.” The rest of me is telling that tiny part to shut up.

Umm, where are my entries? I realize that this is more of a question that I should be asking the DM, but I’m writing an entry right now. I was told that all of my entries would be here on Private Only, but when I got here, all I saw were my first ten, the last one being from March 17, 2000. And they didn’t appear to be private either. Did this happen to anyone? Don’t answer that. I’ll ask the DM. Or DO answer that if you’d like and the answer is anything other than, “I don’t know, you should ask the DM.”

I’ve since made those entries private because 21-year-old me is an idiot and current me doesn’t want my new entries so close to his.

Okay, I’ll write again later giving some more personal updates, but I suppose I should poke around OD some more to see how this whole thing works before I have to get my kids up from nap time.

Oh yeah, I have kids now. Like I said, more personal updates later, but I don’t really have time now.

It’s good to have you back, OD!

As always, this entry hasn’t been given a once-over to check for glaring spelling or grammatical errors. It’s good to be back, OD!

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