
I think I have started typing notes in at least four or five entries before deleting them and moving elsewhere. Good to know that my old Open Diary habits live on. It’s ridiculous, really. The point of this is to share and to reach out to others who are sharing, but I apparently have trouble with that last part.

I have heard from the DM regarding my old entries and I’ve been told that the old entries should be coming back. In the meantime, there is no information about me here, so I guess I should give a brief (re)introduction.

I’m a stay-at-home dad. I met my wife, Lilith (fake name), in 2010. I gave her the fake name of Lilith here because she kind of reminded me of Lilith Sternin from Cheers/Frasier (played by Bebe Neuwirth) in minor ways. I later found out that Sternin was a psychiatrist, not a psychologist, which is what my Lilith is. Helping the alias along, one of our earlier dates was to see a production of Chicago, which was a show that Neuwirth won a Tony for. Also, I think Neuwirth is awesome.

Lilith got a job in an area of the country I’d never thought I’d find myself and I came with her. We got married in 2012. As wives go, she’s awesome.

Months before my wedding, my brother (oh, I have one older brother) asked me if I was nervous about being married. I wasn’t. He then told me a story about his friend who had recently gotten divorced. He asked his friend at what point did he regret getting married. His answer: “When I said the words, ‘I do.'”

How messed up is that? And what kind of story is that to tell your brother before he gets married?

Anyway, I think about that a lot. I have never felt an ounce of anything nearing regret for a single second in our 5+ years of marriage. Marrying Lilith was a solid move on my part.

In my last entry before OD went down in Feb. 2014, I revealed that Lilith was pregnant. It was a few weeks before we started telling people outside of our family, but I thought there was no harm in sharing it here there were very little overlap between OD and my real life. It seemed like a good thing to share for a finale entry.

Well, he’s 3 now. I guess I should start working on a nickname for him. He’s a great little kid. I mean, I’m his dad, and I’m not a monster, so yeah, I’m going to beam about my kids. But he’s a lot of fun. Three-year-old minds are so fascinating. He looks like his mom, but there’s a lot of my personality in there.

We have a 3-month-old daughter. Adjusting to life with a newborn and a 3-year-old was tough, but we’re getting into the swing of things. She smiles a lot — way more than we remember her brother did at this age — and it never gets old.

Being a stay-at-home dad is easily one of the best jobs I’ve ever had. That’s not saying much, I’ve never been very career-minded, so most of my jobs have sucked.

So, I guess we’re all caught up then.

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