Hi everyone

Sorry I have not written. Life is pretty hectic right now… As I am sure you understand. 🙂

I have not wanted to even look at the computer. I have spent my time looking at my beautiful daughter.

My MIL came down to visit for a few days. I wish she could have stayed longer. I miss her so much already. And not for the gifts she brought and bought either. 🙂

She did purchase the Aquarium cradle swing for us. WOOT! Now I have the Aquarium for the crib, bouncer seat and swing. WOOT WOOT WOOT. Autumn is in her bouncer seat right now. Happy little thing.

She is a pretty good baby. Only crys when she needs something or if she has gas. I need to watch what I eat a little bit closer. I think when I eat salad it gives her gas. Thank god for Malacon drops.

Breast feeding is going extrememly well. I have turned into the biggest milk factory. LOL

I am still really swollen. In fact, it had gotten worse since my last entry. I called the doc and she told me to change the dose on my percocet from 2 pills every 6 hours to 1 pill every 6 hours, seems percocet makes you retain water. I have been trying to take one only when my pain is unbearable. so I am taking one every 8-10 hours if that. Since I have cut the meds down the swelling has gone down quite a bit.

The incision is healing up nicely although I still hurt quite a bit. The doc said it will take time for that nerve to heal. She said it is common for that nerve to get cut – if you think about it – how can you not cut nerves when doing that type of surgery? It would be impossible not to cut a nerve or two.

Autumn is doing great. She is almost back to her birth weight. Her weight and color appointment was yesterday. Two more weeks and she has her 1 month check up. And her “first” shot. (not counting the shots she had at the hospital)

Charly goes back to work on Monday. It will be odd not having anyone around with me during the day. I know we will be ok, it will just be odd.

Well, that is all my update for today. I need to run and get some things done while Autumn is occupied in her bouncer seat.

Hasta pasta

First entry for today…
ps spell check is not working BAH

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🙂 Glad to hear everything’s going well! *HUGS*

May 22, 2004

Take care of yourself and Autumn .. Hugs

May 22, 2004

I am so happy to hear how well things are going for you!

May 22, 2004

Sounds like yall are coming along pretty well… she really is a beautiful baby. 🙂

May 22, 2004

Glad to hear everything is good. I will have my little girl in a week or so hopefully. 🙂

May 22, 2004

Glad all is happy in the Parks household. I’ve been thinking about you!

May 22, 2004

Glad to hear everything is great & getting better! 🙂 We COMPLETLEY understand your lack of time for us…. but LOVE the updates!!! 🙂

May 22, 2004

Are you taking Ibprofen also? Cause I know I was able to go from one vicodin every 8-10 hours with Ibprofen – to just ibprofen in a couple of days 🙂 If ya can stand a little pain it might be worth it to get rid of the swelling and to start feeling better 🙂

May 22, 2004


May 22, 2004

Glad to hear everything’s going well for you! 🙂

They cut a nerve when they did my c-section, now I occassionally get this pain down my left leg if I pull a hair out or something. And I kept getting this pain in my left side which they gave me a med for that made my tummy hurt…Motrin’s the best.

I’m so glad to hear everything is going well! I hope you feel better soon! Good luck when Charly goes back to work. I hope it’s an easy transition! *HUGS*

May 22, 2004

I’m soo happy for y’all. When are wer going to get pics?

Love the update! I hope we can help you if you need it.

May 22, 2004

I’m glad to hear everyone is doing well. 🙂 We need more pictures!

May 22, 2004


May 23, 2004

Glad to hear things are going well. I’ve heard cutting out Salt will help reduce swelling after pregnancy and while on certain drugs (Although I wasn’t able to when I had a drug causing water retention!) And you may want to get some Banana Boat or Other Aloe and Vitamin “E” Lotion for your incision! It helpos heal faster and reduce the appearance of a scar! I’ve used it on most of my surgery…

May 23, 2004

… wounds as they were healing and they faded a LOT more than when I didn’t use them! And it’s usually reallycool when you put it on and just feels soothing! I LOVE banana boat! wow you and Serenity bound had your babies only Days apart! I am SOOO Envious of the both of you! Blessed be!

great to hear things are going well! 🙂 *hugs*

May 23, 2004

I’m glad to hear that things are going so well! The swelling will go down.

May 23, 2004

Take it easy and have fun with your little darling.

Glad things are going ok

May 23, 2004
May 23, 2004

glad all is going well. recovery from a c-section really does suck. I couldn’t take the percocet, it made me sick 🙁 Glad Autumn is doing well

May 23, 2004
May 23, 2004

Completely understood! Glad things are going well. Take care of you and Autumn Rose. Love that name…Flower’s middle name is also Rose!

U r so blessed

hope you start feeling better 🙂 rest, take it easy all that good stuff

May 25, 2004


Sounds like things are going well. I am so happy to hear that =) *hugs*

June 2, 2004

Glad to hear everything is going so well! 🙂 steph