Another Day…

  It’s another day.  I’m not sure what to make of things lately.  Every day seems to jumble together.  Unless I have some somewhat “major” event happen, it gets hard to destinguish from one day to another.  It gets so hard some days to not just sleep away the day.  I’ve missed more classes, not out of laziness or not wanting to go, but rather because I decided to take a nap on one of the couches in the library, then I just felt no ability to get up.  I still can’t find a job and my money is running out.  I don’t know what to do.  I feel so depressed some days.  It’s hard not to want to burst into tears or get into bed and pull the covers over my head.  I’m tired of not being able to make any real friends, I’m tired of being the odd man out.  I’m just tired.  This entry didn’t turn out the way I wanted.  Better luck next time I guess.  Good night to all.

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i sympathize, but i kno you’ll pull thru.

February 28, 2004

*hugs* We should talk… and soon.

March 1, 2004

*simply hugs you*