On the Radio…

Good day to all. I had no idea what to put for a title, so I put the Nelly Furtado song I’m listening to right now. Not much else is going on. I’m in the computer lab at school. Passing the time before classes. Most of my classes are actually pretty enjoyable. I only have one to complain about so far. That will probably change when mid terms come up, but for now everything is alright. It just feels a bit strange, since I’m older than most of the people in my classes. Ah well, nothing one can do about it. Let’s see…what else is going on? I’m in chorus. That seems a bit strange for me. I guess I got to a point that I felt that anyone that sings my songs should be me. And since I’ve been writing more lately I should learn to sing. So, here I am. Sides I get a service award at the end of the year. Not very much, but hey when you’re a college student, you really can’t pass it up. So, it’s like a double whammie. I just realized that I’m the only one of two people that will get the joke. Oh well. Anyway, I gotta get going. I’m meeting a professor soon to talk about music. Pleasant day to all.


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And pleasant day to you as well, friend. By the way… I’d still like you to clarify what was behind your first note yesterday *smirks*. If my computer hadn’t crashed last night, I would have pushed for it then, but you got lucky. *chuckles* Take care, friend, and be well.

Hope your meeting went well. Thank you so much for the note. As always I appreciate it. Unfortunately, it seems that we go through cycles of the same dreadful feelings. Ah, in time, I guess I will learn to deal with such without crashing. Good friends do make the difference though. Thank you so much, friend.