
I just need to vent a little. I’m still on the clock.

My brother is so obnoxious. He’s had the cat for 7 years. I consider it a family cat, the past 15 years she’s gone from me to mom and Errin and back. But he’s had her for at least 7 years now. I don’t even live in Colorado. But as soon as the cat needs vet care, suddenly he’s all, “Your cat… Danielle’s cat… your cat… your bills…” And that’s fine, I told him I would pay the vet bill if she needed care. It’s just funny how he wants the cat but he doesn’t want the responsibility. So I call all around to vets in Colorado, and schedule the cat an appointment. I have the Carecredit, but I told him I get paid on Thursday so if its not emergent lets schedule her around then. Then I find out he got fired. Again. So first he says his schedule is wide open, but when I schedule her an appointment then oh yeah, he remembers he can’t go that day because xyz. I spend the whole afternoon calling around (while I’m trying to work because this is my workday), only to have him tell me, “Well I’m the one taking her, you should have left that to me.” DUDE. You asked me to call! Well all of a sudden he decides they need to go NOW. He went from “she’s just sneezing a lot and she’s been eating less lately, but still eating and drinking” to “I don’t see poop in the litter box, I don’t think she’s going to make it.” But, what can I say? I’m not there to assess the cat. If she needs to go, then she needs to go. If I’m going to be the responsible party, then I ought to just go get the cat and bring her back. No doubt I’m going to be the one getting questions about why she hasn’t had vaccinations or this and that. “Well sir, I’m not even in the same state and my brother is allergic to responsibility.”

I get the feeling my sister is meddling again. She’s done that before. She’ll tell mom and Errin to tell me certain things or to do things with the cat, because she doesn’t like the cat. She doesn’t want her there, her dog is really aggressive and she doesn’t want to have to worry about him killing the cat. Whenever she would visit mom’s house I’d have to hear her go on about, “Well if he kills the cat it’s not my fault, oh well.” Umm no, you chose to get a pit bull and you should be responsible enough to control your dog if you bring it into someone else’s house. Not that I have anything against pits, but if you have a dog, especially if it’s known it’s animal aggressive, you need to be responsible for it. Especially if you’re in someone else’s house. Anyway, I have to wonder that now that mom has passed away if Kim is pushing Errin to put pressure on me to take the cat or something. She always thinks she’s being sneaky or clever but it’s so obvious.


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