Crush The Losers

“The best thing that you can do for the poor is not to become one of them” – Reverend Ike.

I am reminded of a story I once read in the book “Follow Your Heart” by Andrew Matthews about a scorpion who wanted to go across a river, and he saw a frog nearby and asked him “Mr. Frog, I need to go across the river and have no way of getting there.  Can you give me a ride on your back to take me there?”

The frog answered: “Why should I?  You are a scorpion and scorpions sting frogs!”

The scorpion said: “Why would I do that, when I need your help?”

The frog said: “Alright then.  Climb on my back and I will take you across the river.”

The scorpion jumped on the frog’s back and he swam off.  Halfway across the river, the scorpion stung the frog.  He collapsed in pain and said with his last breath “Why did you do that?  Now both of us will drown!”

The scorpion said “Don’t you remember?  I’m a scorpion and *scorpions sting frogs!*”

Beware of human scorpions.  They are not afraid to pull others down with them, especially if they need their help.

I’m fed up of these ungrateful, toxic creatures.  I go out of my way to help them, and my trust and generosity gets taken for granted.  Now that I have no car, and I have put my foot down on people asking me for money, I can have a bit of peace of mind.

Look after yourself.  Don’t go out of your way to help others if you can see or learn that they’re toxic.  Leave them at bay, and they can sort themselves out.

If they need money, they should take out a bank loan and do a budgeting course.

If they have mental and emotional problems, recommend them to a psychiatrist or a psychologist.  Getting involved with other people’s personal and emotional lives is like walking through a minefield.  You’ll never know when they will blow up at you if you put your foot down on them and say “Enough is enough!  Learn to deal with your own shit.”

It can be painful, but it is liberating.

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