
Hey guy’s I am s till here haha just been a busy week and with the weather its been hard to keep up with this. I went for another run today..1.07 miles in like 1430. I just woke up and have work today so I decided not to go full burn out run. I have started to run with a belly band and a hoodie..both because of the cold windy air and because it causes me to sweat so all good. I am still on light duty until the 7th but I am in uniform now. Anyways cool off time over time for a shower and getting ready for work

So i guess this is it for the night..if you’re new around here. Welcome to the world of Gareth aka me. It’s twisted…kinda insane..but its home. You’re welcome to look around, say what you want…do what you want..just realize, I am not perfect..I am not like you..or any one you will ever meet in more ways than 1. I am just me..take me…leave me..love me..hate me..I dont care..probably never will.

~*Sweet Nightmares*~,


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