I called my mother

Today was a bad day ..

I wrote a previous entry but I reread it didn’t make sense ..

me and my mother have a sorted relationship .. we use to get along great .. she use to live in the same state as me .. we would talk every day see each other once or twice at week ( at least ) ..

she moved three (almost ) years ago ..

things with us changed .. we stopped talking as much .. we started fighting more ..

and then in Jan 2016 we had a huge argument .. I told her to never call me again ..SHE HASN’T ..  we didn’t talk for awhile .. then I texted her .. and that was our form of communication .. that’s it we would text .. sometimes she would FaceTime my son and I would talk to her on that ..

i got sick August 2016 .. I almost died .. she didn’t call me .. she was coming down to my state three days after I got out of the hospital ( not to see me it just happened to be when she was coming ). She saw me once in the two weeks she was here .. we again had a huge fight…

we didn’t communicate at all for awhile ..

and then slowly we began to .. only they text ..

July 2017 my son got his learners permit ..the first time I took him out to practice driving .. he swung out of our complex turned so hard he swung around and almost slammed right into a tree .. slammed on the brakes and we both just looked at each other like ‘fuuuucckkk ‘

i called my mother for the first time that day ..

Today … feb 6 2018 .. my son in a junior .. he’s had his  struggles in school .. but last year he got A, and B (mostly B ) an occasion C … his second term report card came out .. he got all C’s ..( technically 2 c+) and to top it off … a D in Spanish .. HE DIDNT EVEN NEED TO TAKE SPANISH THIS YEAR !!!!!!

I called my mother , cause I feel like I’m failing as a parent .. I feel like I’m failing my son somehow ..

and when I ask him over and over repeatedly what more can I do to help .. he says ‘nothing’ ‘I’ll fix it’ ‘I’m good’

i hate writing anything bad about my son .. I’m not disappointed .. I’m just worried ..


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February 6, 2018

Sounds like you and your son are going through some growing pains. I understand your worry, but it will be okay. Just keep letting him know that you are there for him.

I used to have a tumultuous relationship with my mother too. Once I stopped trying to force the relationship I wanted on her and simply worked on myself, things turned around. I think prayer helped, too. Sometimes letting go is the only way to save a relationship.

February 7, 2018

Aaaw that sucks about you and your mom. Me and mine are the opposite, as in we fight more when we live closer. Lol

But this explains more of your anxieties with how you are doing as a mother, and your fear that Ty would move away – you are scared due to what’s happening to you and your mom.

What do you guys fight about mostly, or is that too personal?

I think it’s great that you called. I think, and I tell Brian this, cause his family is used to shutting down, that you don’t give up on family. You don’t have to give in to continue to try and work things out, you both just have to get to the point where, no matter how much you disagree, you want to figure out how to be ok anyway. I truly hope you and your mom somehow get there one day. *hugs*

February 12, 2018

My mom and I fought all the time when we lived together. She’s been to my house once since I moved. It took her over a year to come see me. Makes me kinda sad. I can’t make her want the same relationship I want though.

I think I was Ty’s age when I decided that I wanted to skate through school vs actually trying. I really just wanted to hang out with my friends instead of doing homework…and we weren’t even doing drugs or anything bad.