I just called to say- nevermind.

Getting a hold of my mom is a feat. Its sad because I actually want to talk to her. I want to cry to her about my recent test results. I want her to know that while I put on a brave face for everyone else, I’m scared.

Maybe I know that she’s unavailable and I keep reaching out to her because I know she won’t respond and I’ll never have to admit out loud what I’m feeling inside.

Then again, it stings every time she says she is busy with someone else. It’s never my turn, never going to be my turn.

I’m not sure why I keep trying. I just want her to know that my heart is broken and it might be her fault…



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July 3, 2018

Hi. I hope things can change with you. I am 61 and my mom is 88 … and it is still not my turn. Nonetheless I keep trying….

July 3, 2018

wow  so  sorry

July 4, 2018

keep trying. my mother died 3 years ago and we never resolved the issues we had and that bloomed into a whole new bag of cats…