Back to basics

Every time I try to start a new change initiative it always seems to start with keeping a journal.   It’s no wonder why so many individuals change initiatives and efforts start and fail with keeping a journal.

Keeping a journal allows us to self reflect. Something that is too seldom done among individuals now.  With all the different ways to distract you, and the continued reward of being distracted Ala – instant gratification.  Committing to a change can seem boring, monotonous and overall just dull.  Why change when you are continually squirreled with new stimuli?

Rewiring your brain (which is typically seen in instances of addiction or bad behavior) should be a process in which we all undergo.

The continued abuse and dominance of social media and instant gratification has us as a society slowly seeping into poor habits and diminished interpersonal communication.

This seems to be permeated throughout society in which we are continually displaying a short-sighted views and opinions based on little factual information. This problem is two fold in that we have shorter attention spans due to the increased re-reinforcement of instant gratification and reduction in factual pieces of information and increased sources of opinion pieces. Everyone is trying to make their own mark, trying to find their way and niche.

One of the most insightful things someone told me in all earnest is likely one of the most simple “These notions of happiness, meaning, fulfillment in your work is a generational thing, work is just a means to provide for you, for your family, this is where happiness resides”.

I think there is something to be said for this. We spend so much time and focus on “unlocking” your inner potential and opening yourself up to happiness and meaning in your work. That sounds great in theory, but perhaps the pendulum has swung in the opposite direction too far. There is meaning and purpose in work, even if you don’t love it. Work is a means to provide. Perhaps we should curtail some of expectations in regards to what work is truly supposed to be.

Sometimes we put so much pressure on ourselves to find that “meaningful” occupation that we forget we have many skills and attributes that will suit us just fine for a plethora of jobs that we may not love on the surface, but that we can grow to respect and appreciate that will still provide for us.

As I draw out that train of thought I come to the conclusion for my post. Re-wiring my brain starts with keeping my journal. Re-structuring my thoughts and expectations about myself and my life.


I’ll pencil some of my goals here right now.

  1. realize that social media, and porn is a drug. One that adversely affects other aspects of my life. Seek activities or habits that keep me from these addictive entities
  2.  be kind to myself – this includes even when I fail. Take a moment to visit pity city but don’t dwell there too long. Move forward from my failures. Embrace them and accept that they will occur. Fear of failure should not be a reason for me to not attempt a certain activity.
  3.  dedicate myself to healthy and productive activities. Balance in life is key to everything. Simply focusing on certain aspects and ignoring others is going to leave a glaring hole.
  4. Complete MBA and CS graduate certificate. These goals were identified based on current information. See these things through and celebrate the achievement of them.
  5. Do not shy away from challenges simply because they are not either too easy, or too difficult. Individuals with a fear of failure tend to work harder at easy tasks and difficult tasks and shy away from the ones that fall somewhere in the middle. Rise to the occasion and pursue even the tasks that are not easy and that do not challenge.

These are all the thoughts I have for today.

I’m going to be here tomorrow.



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March 12, 2019

Welcome to OpenDiary. We have an amazing community that should help push you towards rewiring and motivating yourself.

I want to go for my MBA as well, but sadly I need to get my credit back on track first. Do you know what you want your MBA in? I’m interested in Business Analytics.