Super Teriyaki Bowl

THE EAGES WON THE SUPER BOWL THE EAGLES WON THE SUPER BOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I’m eating a teriyaki chicken bowl for lunch.

I haven’t written in a few days and its felt weird. I spent Saturday and Sunday at my sister’s house for my Mom’s birfday and the Super Bowl. Did you know the Eagles won?!?!?! WELL THEY DID! My mom’s party was fun. We had a nice dinner at Outback and I wanted to do naughty things to our waiter. My brother was cool until he said some bullshit about Hillary and I called him on it. My brother, as sad as it is to write this, is your typical Fox News watching, gun loving, Trump supporter. Right down to quoting Hannity. His neck is redder than my favorite red lipstick. He said something like, “Is Hillary in jail yet?” and I looked at him and said, “For what?” and in typical Trumpkin fashion he said, “Let’s not talk about this. We won’t agree…blah blah blah I have no argument because I’m ignorant as fuck….blah.”  He does that shit all the time. He’ll throw some bullshit out and not be able to back it up. I however can back up all my bullshit. Wait…what? haha.

Here’s the thing about me. I don’t like to say things that I am not 100% confident in their validity. ESPECIALLY where politics are concerned. If I don’t know about something or someone says something that I haven’t heard before, I make it my mission to find out everything I can about it so that when I speak on it, I know what I’m talking about. Confession, I like to verbally destroy people that come for me and if I’m fighting with “alternative facts” then I just look like an asshole. I don’t know. I love my brother, I’m just really disappointed in him. When he started in on his “Muslims are only here to kill us” bullshit at Christmas it kind of broke my heart. I hate Fox News. I can’t believe people watch that shit.

Anyway, Hoey’s (that’s what I call my Mom) dinner was nice and we all had a good time. I didn’t get to see my boy (my sister’s son) because he was at a hockey game in LA with his new girlfriend. I’m bummed I didn’t get to meet her. She sounds like a great girl. If she hurts him, I will sit on her chest and cut off her air supply. 🙂  I slept on the couch Saturday which was fine with me. That fucker is COMFORTABLE. Its very deep and cushiony and comfy. I woke up at like 4:30 in the morning and was hungry. I tweeted that and that I didn’t feel comfortable just going into the kitchen and making something since its not my house. My sister was up too and saw it and came out and made me a breakfast sammich. How sweet is THAT? We stayed up talking for a few hours and it was really nice. My sister is one of my best friends, the other is my friend Sami. She’s a ride or die kind of girl. Sami is truly the only person in this world that knows everything about me. My mom woke up around 7 and came out and sat with us before she went shopping. I crashed out for about an hour before the game started and so did my sister.

OH MY GOD THAT GAME Y’ALL! It was sooooooooooooo good! I lost my shit when they won. My sister was recording me and I didn’t know it. Its fucking hilarious. Can we add video’s to our entries? If we can I’ll upload it so you can see it. Its so funny. I look like a big fat tub of goo but whatevs.

Oh heeeeeey Ant-knee, I see you boo! How you doooooin? He’s in the phone room again. He’s in there with Jaimie who can’t stand him. She said he’s a great big whore. I’m okay with that. 🙂

I am ridiculously tired today. I got in at 9 and was planning to stay until 6 but I’ma bounce at 3. I’m bringing work home this weekend so I’ll make up the hours then. Don’t even get me started on WHY I’m bringing work home. Its total bullshit and makes me want to punch a baby.

Okay, I finished my chicken bowl. Time to put my lips back on and get back to work. Have a good one y’all!

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February 8, 2018

Glad you had a good time at your mom’s birthday! 🙂 YAY EAGLES!!!! 🙂

February 23, 2018

@rubykisses Thanks love!!!!