Too Much and Not Enough?

This is a new experience for me.  I find that if I write down my thoughts and feelings, I tend to be more willing to express them vs. verbally.  So… here goes.

I am everyone’s “go-to person” and it is to the point that I somedays can’t get my head above water trying to manage everything for everyone.  When I ask for a little give and take or to be left out, I am guilted into taking it back.  I just want a day that doesn’t depend on how everyone else’s day goes.  A quote from THAT 70’S show says “I feel like a loaf of bread. Everyone keeps taking and taking until all that’s left are two crusty end pieces that no one wants…”

I am not sure if this is the right circle as it isn’t a feeling of being alone… just too much and not enough of me at the same time.

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August 27, 2021

[url=]Hair styling in Kazan[/url]