What happened…

…to my plans to write something everyday? The same as usual I suppose, sadly it is one priority that often gets pushed out the way because in the list of priorities it comes after eating and cleaning my house. After work these days I seem to have very little energy for doing much else. Still, I have as good an excuse as I am ever going to have for being so worn out- I am going to have a baby! It is some time away yet but I am very excited, nervous, but very, very excited.

We find out at the end of this month if it will be a boy or a girl. Everyone seems to think it is a girl, but I really can’t say I know one way or another, which is why I shall be pleased to find out with this next scan. So, excitement abounds in the Doktahs residence and perhaps I will actually update before he or she actually arrives! 





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June 3, 2013

Congratulations my friend.. I am very happy for you..and also very happy to have a note from you… They way I guess the sex of the baby is.. if you have had a lot of morning sickness, it is a boy. If not so much, it is a girl..let me know if I am right..