It’s a Wonderful Life!

Today is looking to be a great day… maybe a little rain but sunny and warm. Next week it will be for two days in the mid 20’s… so yay!! Usually, being a fair redhead would make me shy away from the sun but right now it is purrfect. Later on in the year when it gets murderously hot, then, I will stay inside with the A/C at full blast. 

I might convince my sisters to go for a walk after lunch. I need to get out and soak up the sun while it’s around… I have a feeling it will be like pulling teeth with Bees and Julz as they are both deeo sleepers. I’m fighting the sleep weasels. I have a feeling they might win sooner or later but for now? Nope.

Pinky is letting me use her computer, she is a true friend. 🙂 I want Bees to have hers back bc I know how important family is to her and her life line to her family is FB… my life line is OD. 🙂 I have met a lot of interesting people on Open Diary… y’all are keeping me sane during the COVID… and when I get to go out, I will take pictures, the library, Amir’s, everywhere… you will see Newmarket Canada through my lens.


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March 11, 2021

sounds like the same day we are having 🙂

March 11, 2021

@kaliko Still be the day, still be the night. 🙂