This is the day

 I don’t want to waste some time saying it’s been a long time since I wrote, but it truly has. Not only has I haven’t written in here for a long time but also elswhere. It’s almost as i forgotten how to write. i used to adore writing every day. I would spend hours writing short stories. And yet now, at the ripe of twenty-seven, I find myself with so much time but yet nothing gets accomplished from it. I end up catching up on shows on DVR or reading up on blogs that I follow. Essentially everything and anything that does not involve focusing on myself. Although i have been in therapy for almost a year, at times I just feel like I’m still the same person and I have not yet figured out who I am or who I aspire to be.

I just hope that this is a start to something. I yearn to write and always have wonderful thoughts but taking the time out to write is a whole other thing, similar to working out. The sentiment is there and good, however, I, myself have not done anything to motivate and put into action. 

One day. 

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