
 I am in loooooooove!! Maybe a little overly in love- I have hardly let it out of my hands since Friday night.i am VERY pleased, although the little on-screen keyboard is not very conducive to a lot of typing. Meaning this will be an unusually short entry. I’ve been doing the 750 words thing since the beginning of October and it usually takes me 15 minutes- on the iPad it took FORTY FIVE MINUTES. However, I did notice that it was getting a lot easier by the time I was done. I think it will just take practice, and I also may invest in a little keyboard eventually. Once I can afford more financial damage. So if this looks weird, that’s my excuse. Still adapting to on-screen typing.

i have been downloading apps like a crazy person, of course. I don’t have a smart phone so this is my first experience with the world of unlimited apps. And what a fun world it is! I have travel apps and map apps and book apps and music apps and a word processing app that I actually did pay $10 for. We can get Microsoft Office through the university for PC and Mac, and for iPad if the  iPad is owned by the university. Oddly you can’t get it on your own iPad. At all. Even for money. Very strange. So I bought what looks like a good one- meaning it at least got good reviews. Most of the apps were free, though. I can tell I’ll probably have to have a limited app budget each month, though. The dollar and two dollar ones start adding up fast. I think I’m in app overload now. But it’s SO MUCH FUN!!!

The mini is a perfect size for toting around -luckily, since I fear I will never let go of it again. And I think the screen resolution is fine. Amazon scared me right before I ordered it with their ranting comparison of the mini to the Kindle Fire, as far as screen resolution hear them, you’d think it was like a grainy black and white TV from the fifties. But it looks great to me. I don’t know what the retina displays are like, but my laptop has a high definition screen and this one doesn’t seem bad at all in comparison. It’s a lot smaller so that helps the resolution, I’m sure. I’ll sacrifice a little resolution for portability. It isn’t seeming like much of a sacrifice so far.

so, short entry! We weathered the blizzard with no problems. The power didn’t even flicker. Internet stayed on and we had heat. It has been warmer these last two days, but there is STILL SNOW LYING AROUND. There are piles twice as tall as I am in the mall parking lot. I am totally sick of winter already, which is quite scary as it hasn’t even begun yet. But I feel like I should not whine since we are on easy street compared to New York and New Jersey. 
OH, we went to the movies yesterday and saw Cloud Atlas. LOVED it. We haven’t been to a movie since Alice and that was years ago (although I went to The Help by myself last year) but this is one to see on the big screen. I love the book- I am a huge fan of David Mitchell- and could not imagine how it would ever translate to a movie. But they did a great job, and it actually made the connections between the characters clearer than the book did, at least a lot earlier on. Baker B hasn’t read the book and he liked it as much as I did. Be forewarned that it is not a light and fluffy film. And it is loooooong. But I am ready to see it again. And it is one that needs repeated viewings, I think. So go see it right now!

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November 4, 2012

Okay, that virtual keyboard? 200 bucks, oh, and out of stock. I gotta say, my helpful hints are golden!!

OH! Before I read this: a friend is having trouble with cutting and pasting on hers. Do you ever have this? Do you know how to resolve it? Do you know Kimber? I”m going to go ask her if I can introduce you two, if it’s OK with you.

I haven’t had the chance to see photos yet. Glad you got out to a movie this weekend. It seemed like one of those that was worthy to see in the theater.

November 4, 2012

Glad you like your igadget – you type beautifully on it. I must look up that movie – I don’t seem to have heard of it. Snow!! Gosh, that’s too bad. You’re in NC, you’re not supposed to have snow the first week of Nov.

looks like there is another nasty storm headed for NJ and NY. gaaah. not strong winds but no power and 20 degree weather is not good!

November 4, 2012

OOOOO I’m becoming more tempted by the minute!

November 4, 2012

Okay. I am jealous. That is so cool you are doing 750 Words too. Congrats on that. I am a long way away from my next badge but I love the ones I have. I do find that venting there helps my mood most days. Glad you made it through the big storm without incident. That was an impressive amount of snow you guys got. I am pretty sure I will see Cloud Atlas in the theater just because of the sweep and the scope and the detail. So glad to read that you enjoyed it. Carry on there with your app acquisition.:)

November 5, 2012

Glad to hear you had power and water. Feeling very sorry for people in Haiti, Cuba and Atlantic Coast of USA at the moment. Not a good time of year to have no power, and so many are homeless. Haiti is really going to need a lot of help. Nice you are enjoying your wee gadget. I had a little palmtop in hospital after my stroke. I found typing on it so frustrating, but it did have a little pencilthing you could poke the keys with, which helped. I won’t complain. It kept me on OD, which was a great support to me. How are your injuries now?

November 5, 2012

glad you like it. i don’t have an ianything so i have no idea what it’s like to have unlimited free apps. sounds like it would be fun. take care,

November 6, 2012

When you get your first device that supports them, apps are loads of fun. I remember I couldn’t put down my smartphone the first weekend I had it and over a year later, it’s still pretty fun to get new apps. The apps get better and better all the time. Have fun! Glad you guys weathered the storm ok.


November 6, 2012

yay for making it through the blazzard! and for new toys 🙂

I have NO idea what it is about but my mum and dad were going to it. Since I like almost everything that you do in film, book and television shows, I’d probably love it, too. Oh, congratulations on the new IPad.

November 11, 2012
November 14, 2012

Step away from it now… LOL! My tab is addictive too, even though h its only half as good as the iPad. Typing on it is tedious though- viz lack of apostrophes as cant be arsed 😉

November 15, 2012

RYN: what are you on about woman – you’re doing the 750 words thing and you have a full time job – if I was working full-time I seriously doubt I’d be writing for 10 minutes a week never mind anything else! Thanks for the kind words though – thankfully the new addition to the household is being very kind to her Granny so far :¬)