gawwwwwwwwwd I’m boooooooooored!!

Remember The Young Ones? I used to love The Young Ones. I’m sure I still would, but I haven’t seen it in a gazillion years. One of the episodes was called "Boring" and Rick, the whiny obnoxious one, keeps complaining about how bored he is. While things like alien invasions and posters coming to life and bands appearing in the livingroom are going on. The entire show he’s saying, "GAWWWD, I’m BOOOOOORED!!!

Good times, good times.

Anyhow. I’m booooooored. I have plenty to do, I’m at work, I need to keep hacking away at the graduating senior files – but I’m sick of it and I’m booooooooored. D’s at lunch, Aggravation Receptionist has been on the phone for an hour talking to people about the new kitchen stuff she’s ordering for her big remodeling project (and I’m sick of hearing about that for many reasons, one big one being we have a 1960s kitchen that’s divided by a counter from the livingroom and we STILL don’t have a working oven after ours died last summer, so yeah, I’m a little jealous). And when she’s not talking to people she’s looking up kitchen cabinets and stuff online.

Well, I do have something exciting to look forward to, though. I tried to hook the scanner and printer up to the new computer a couple of nights ago (yes, the computer we’ve had for three or so months) and discovered that they aren’t compatible. Horrors! Neither were expensive, and Baker B’s brother gave us both years ago – like, TEN years ago probably – but horrors anyway. I need to scan photos, which I did a lot of when I got the scanner but through a series of stupid moves on my part, I don’t still have the scans. Which were actually not good quality scans anyhow, so it’s just as well I have to do them over.

But ANYHOW, since I really need a scanner, I looked at Dell’s. Which as it turns out are also printers and copiers and fax machines. We get a discount from Dell through the college. And when we ordered the computer, they sent us a $50 gift card. And their printers etc are on sale. Long story a LITTLE shorter, I was able to order a printer/scanner/and I think copier – but not fax, which we’d never ever use anyhow – for ….. $29. And $20 of that was the USB cable that was extra. So I got a printer/scanner/maybe copier for NINE DOLLARS. And it wasn’t the cheapest one they had. They’re even shipping it free, and I just ordered it yesterday and it’s already shipped.

I love Dell. And I can’t wait to scan old photos.

Gawwwwwwwwwwwwd I’m still boooooooooooooooooored!!

Hey, I’ll do this fun survey from Pixie Lou! It’ll be my usual Friday night survey, just a little early.

And yeah, I’m being a total hypocrite, complaining about how everyone else is just playing around and nobody’s working but meeeeeee wah wah wah wah!!! Oh, well. So sue me. Or remind me of this next time I’m whining about my lazy coworkers. I’m sure it won’t be long.

1. Do you wake up cranky?
No, I just let him sleep. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Bet you saw THAT one coming. No, I usually don’t wake up cranky. I wake up dazed and confused and wondering if I can just go back to sleep, but I’m not usually cranky. That comes later in the day.

2. If an ex said he hates you, you say?:
Ummm…. "okay! Whatever!" I’ve never had that happen so who knows what I’d really say. I’d probably burst into tears in reality.

3. Would you curse in front of your parents?:
Never in a million years.

4. If a fairy godmother comes into your life, you?:
Ask for a new kitchen. At least a new oven. That I don’t have to figure out how to install myself or get my dad to come help us which is the big reason we don’t have one. It’s going to involve saws and trauma. And making some effort.

5. What is your current annoyance?:
My coworkers. Oh, what a surprise. Now they’re both in Captain Drama’s office yakking.

6. Do you like drama?
Not when it’s going on with my coworkers and I have to hear about it ad nauseam. Don’t like it happening to me either. I’m fine with watching it, though. As in via movies.

7. What kind of camera do you have?:
My uncle’s Cannon SD20. Coolest.Camera.EVER. And the Cannon Powershot which I still carry around since Baker B has yet to use it like he said he wanted to.

8. Last time you were on a boat and where?:
Wow – it’s been awhile. Maybe the ferry between Okracoke and Cedar Island, on the Outer Banks? That’s been YEARS. I can’t think of a more recent boat ride, though.

9. Do you take daily vitamins or medications?:
Yes to both, although only one medication. To keep that  whole cancer thing from ever happening again.

10. Where is your computer located?:
Right in front of me. My laptop is usually hanging out on the couch since we have wireless at home now. I never put it back into its bag.

11. Would you ever eat cow poop?:
What?? Where did THAT come from?? First it’s a kind of interesting all-grown-up survey, then we go wildly careening into SillyKiddieLand.

12. What was the last item you bought?:
The printer/scanner/maybe copier!

13. What country has the best food?:
I’ve only been to this one, but I hear Italy has good food, as does France.

14. What was the last stupid thing you did?
Wow, that’s a hard one. Probably drive around for two days with the gas hand waaaaaaay below empty, just because I didn’t want to stop and get more. I do a lot of stupid things.

14. Are you afraid of rollercoasters?:
I used to love riding them, but I haven’t been on one in so long I’d probably be afraid of them now.

15. If your bestfriend told you they’re moving, you?:
Offer to help??

15. Would you rather go to a party or out of town?:
Out of town. I’m anti-social. Why are there two #15s?

16. Apple Bottom Jeans or Hollister gift card?:
I have no clue what either of these things are.

17. Do you think your dumb?: (I can’t possibly improve on Pixie Lou’s answer:)
No, but you sure are when you don’t know the difference between "your" and you’re".

18. Say a random word(s)?

19. Do you wear anything with skulls?:
No. But I do remember Greg Proops on the British Whose Line YEARS ago – like the late 80s probably – wearing this shirt with…. oh, oooops. That wasn’t skulls – that was little alien heads all over it. I yearned for that shirt. Not so much for skulls, though.

20. What is/was your school mascot?:
Our high school mascot was a rocket. I used to have a t-shirt with the rocket on it, and someone told me it looked like, ummmmmmmmmm…. something else. I don’t think I ever wore it again. Our college mascot is a very alarming hillbilly. Or, "mountaineer", for the politically correct. 

21. Do you own a class ring or letterman jacket?:
I have my highschool ring somewhere. I haven’t worn it in 25 or so years.

22. At what age do you want to be married?:
Every age I am from here on out.

23. When was the last time you threw up?
Ewwwww. A long long time ago.

24. Have you met anyone famous?
TR Pearson! Who isn’t technically famous but he’s my favorite writer so that’s close enough.

25. Where and when did you last go on vacation?:
A real vacation? Charleston last September.

26. Where is your mom right now?:
I’m sure she’s at home sitting on the couch with a cat.

27. What are you supposed to be doing right now?:
Clearing seniors to graduate. Not this, that’s for sure.

28. What colour is your watch?
It’s a big kind of mother-of-pearl face with shiny things all around it and a red band. It’s actually pretty, and not gaudy at ALL.

29. What is one thing you hear a lot?
Second Life Second Life Second Life Second Life. Baker B is a tad obsessed.

30. If you don’t like a person, how do you show it?
I don’t show it. I’m an ultra-polite Southerner. We NEVER show it. Until we quietly kill you and bury your body in the woods. Bless your heart!

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March 14, 2008

Hollister is an untra cool youth culture store. There’s one in my red neck town even. The music and lighting makes it feel like a bar. The decor like a beach party house. BD likes it but seldom shops there. When she does I love it because at the center of the store are comfy leather chairs with ottomans. The fragrance is also nice. So I douse myself with sweetness and prop my feet up whileshe shops. Life is good. Hope the Dell thing works out. We got one free with a computer several years ago and I ended up throwing it away. The quality was fine (excellent actually) but replacement cartridges had to be ordered online from Dell and the reminder pop ups were annoying. That doesn’t fit in with my go to walmart when it no longer works and buy a cartridge policy. You know, if you were in the We Pay 28% Interest crowd, you could have a new kitchen today.

March 14, 2008

#15 – will you be my friend please?!?!?! #19 – my head? #30 – you slay me! Erh, uhm, I mean you crack me up.

March 14, 2008
March 14, 2008

30 made me laugh so hard i almost spit water on my keyboard

March 14, 2008

I am not going to find out anything more about Second Life right now because I am still struggling with managing my First one. I wonder sometimes if I will ever live somewhere with a nice gas stove and a washer and dryer I don’t have to share and a yard for the cats that is not full of other people’s dogs and…

#14, your answer: That is one of B’s and my favorite things to bitch about — how we hate to get gas. Like it’s just one more freakin’ thing we have to do!

^ That’s me, FallingDog — OD is exploding on me again.

March 14, 2008

10-4 on burying them in the woods.

i am swiping that survey. and the answers! hehehehe

March 14, 2008

You are soooo funny. That “mountaineer” thing had me doing a honest-to-God laugh out loud.

March 14, 2008

Silda Spitzer did not look happy during that news conference. She must have looked even less happy when she heard he had spent $80,000 on call-girls. I wonder if she had any idea.

You have no oven? How do you cook anything? I need to read that part over….

March 14, 2008

RYN: Oh I know!!! There is just so much to love about that video.

You know I can’t believe you have an advocardo green oven!! Just go buy a toaster oven at Wal-Mart that will work just as well and its easy to clean. If you ever sell your house just tell everyone you are into retro big time

March 15, 2008

Ovens are totally over-rated. You’re a southerner, resourceful is you middle name. Just throw some bacon grease in your cast iron frying pan, and there’s not a thing worth eating that you can’t cook right there on your stove top. I saw a movie once that related that to your answer to #30, but of course we would never talk about such unmannerly conduct, now would we, bless your heart too.

March 16, 2008

lol-ub the South, we believe some people ‘just needed killin’.