I think we’re all bozos on this bus

Well, this is fun. We’re all sitting around with nothing to do because we can’t clear the ten million seniors that just graduated because we can’t get the report that lists everyone’s spring grades because the system is…. shock!!… screwed all up. The registrar’s office suggested we go in and look on four separate screens for each person and do them that way, but we’re kind of objecting to that since A) it will take a month and B) last semester they gave us this report that lists everything we need and they ought to be able to do that again. Well, turns out this report is online, but nobody told us because nobody knew about it and when someone finally did let us know about it, of course none of us have security access for it. Even though we all had access to the area where it is last semester, now none of us do.

So we’re sitting around waiting for the computer people to figure it out.

So I’m playing on teh intrnets.

I discovered a Firesign Theatre site with all kinds of fun stuff I want. Like


And especially this bumper sticker:

I’m also trying to figure out why suddenly my cellphone is running down daily. It’s always had a good battery life – I generally charge it once a week – but the last few days it’s dead every day. It’s weird. I did drop it and the battery fell out, but that was weeks ago – during the Car Battery Near-Disaster. It seems like if it was going to quit working, it would have quit then.

So, does anyone know what would cause that? And also does anyone know if it’s a good idea to order a battery through an Amazon store for $5 versus ordering a battery through Verizon that’s $40?? For the exact same thing? Because that’s what I’m tempted to do. I guess I could also take it in to Verizon and see if they know what’s causing it to run down so fast.

We’re having lovely weather today, after two days of howling winds and temperatures in the 30s and 40s. I plan to go walking at lunch, which I’ve done nearly every day for weeks. I did walk on a treadmill in one of the workout rooms on campus yesterday. Which I usually hate but now I have my nifty new iPod with all the fun podcasts, I don’t mind a bit.

On that note I’m going to brag (especially since nobody has even noticed so I have not received the acclaim I think I deserve when great achievements are made) – I have lost ten pounds in the last month. I’ve mostly done it by eating fruits and veggies and whole grains and very little sugar and even less white flour. And walking. It’s been shockingly easy and I’ve been so satisfied with what I’m eating that even when faced with things like brownies as I was at a meeting the other day, I’m not a bit more interested in them than I’d be in munching on papier-mache.  (And yes that does have an "I" in papier. I just looked it up. Those wacky French.) At the same time, Baker B wanted ice cream the other night so I had a little dish of Starbucks Mud Pie, and was completely satisfied with one little dish, didn’t want more, and enjoyed it very much. And he ate the whole rest of the carton, annoying naturally skinny person that he is.

This is very cool.

I think a large part of my success (because I actually LIKE eating like this and prefer my current diet to junk) is that I am …. planning ahead. This is major for me. I’m not a planner. But I’ve taken my lunch every single day for a month, including snacks, and I pack it all the night before, and I plan meals on Sundays. That’s even more major, not being a planner and all, but it sure is working. I plan meals and also have lots of options if I don’t feel like eating what I planned, because duuuuude, I’m a Gemini and if I think I HAVE to have one thing I immediately desire the things I’m NOT having, and I also must have plenty of room to change my mind about whatever sounded good five minutes ago. Because I’m all about changing my mind. Constantly. So I may plan to have chicken and vegetables and end up just having popcorn. That I pop in my nifty new microwave popper so it’s totally air popped and not salty or whatever else is in the bags. And it’s very cheap. And REALLY good.

Anyhow. That’s obviously the most exciting thing going on with me lately. I find since eating very little sugar I’ve also been WAY less cranky and have WAY more energy, and I never get those weird little slight-but-annoying headaches I am prone to. I’d suspected sugar was causing that.

I read the You On A Diet book early on in this process, and it was very helpful. And also includes a two week diet thing that I didn’t follow since I was already kind of doing it when I read the book. I’d started out calorie counting but this is SO much easier. And makes me way less obsessive ("I ate three M&Ms!!!! Now I have to eat the rest of the five pound bag!!! And a carton of ice cream!!!") So if you’re interested, I HIGHLY recommend it.

And now everyone is wandering around wanting to chat because they’re all bored and apparently don’t have the ability to entertain themselves online that I do, so I’ll end with some pictures of my wisteria. That bloomed, hooray, after I’d worried and worried over it getting killed during the several freezes we’ve had. It DID get killed last year. This year, it’s gorgeous – although all the wind the last few days knocked a lot of the blooms off, so I’m glad i got pictures of it on Sunday.

<img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2076/2487634663_ef223ce3c5.jpg?v=0&#8243; alt=”” />

And…. cutest kitties ever!! Who need a bigger kitty bed since they both try to get in this one and spill over the edges.

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May 13, 2008

great kitty photos!!! congratulations on the 10# lost. i hope i don’t find them! take care,

May 13, 2008

Congrats on the 10 lb. loss! Your wisteria is gorgeous. In my experience, as a battery ages it holds its charge for a shorter period of time. So if your battery is 1-2 years old, it is just suffering normal battery old age. If that is not the case dunno. However, once there was an issue with a newish phone of mine that was causing the battery to drain quickly. Hope your network issues resolve quickly and relatively painlessly.

May 13, 2008

In my cell phone experience, you probably need a new battery, and sometimes buying a new phone is cheaper. The wisteria is beautiful. Does it have a scent? Yay for the 10 pounds too!

May 13, 2008

Oh, my god! IT people are the same EVERYwhere. It’s a wonder we can get anything accomplished EVer. *coughs* Except for Freds. He’s an AWEsome IT person. He would fix this and leave notes behind for the next guy in case it happened again. Unfortunately, code monkeys can’t read or something because even when instructions are spelled out, they still call my husband when he’s not on call to ask him questions! Your diet is right on. Just an “eat normal” kind of thing and get some exercise. Good for you! Planning is the big thing in Weight Watchers. Planning and support. And allowing yourself to splurge once in a while. Great pics as usual and I need to get that first t-shirt. That is so funny.

May 13, 2008

did you eat stella?

May 13, 2008

Aww kitties! Wisteria, sigh. I love that second t-shirt and think I should wear it every time I spend time with Mr. Finch in the near future. Somebody on the bus was asking the same cell phone battery questions the other day, so it must to be a common problem.

May 13, 2008

Planning is by far my biggest hurdle in terms of dietary challenges so it is quite inspirational that you have mastered it. I think it has something to do with being a grown up, something I haven’t mastered either. At least not in the wifely way. Perhaps if I imagine I am a big cat I need to cat care of I can get the hang of it.

May 13, 2008


May 13, 2008

I was going to say, too, that the battery’s probably just getting old. That’s so cool about the 10 lbs.! I’ve been eating more fruit, and I do think I’m craving sweets less. ryn: Here’s hoping you’re right – send me good vibes!

great photos! and don’t you just love computer software???

OMG you are killing me with the Wisteria! I want some NOW. Your eating plan is awesome. CONGRATULATIONS on the loss of TEN POUNDS!!!! WOO-HOO!!!!!! I know you are looking great! Yesterday Sideler and I went to a picnic in the state park with his co-workers. It turned out to be a lovely day and plenty warm enough. Anyway, I ate a BURGER, spinach dip and a load of crackers, a heaping helpingof potato salad, a piece of Red Velvet cake, AND a piece of some peanut-buttery-coconutty cake. I thought for sure I’d be so bloated this morning I’d never fit into my capris-but NO-THEY FIT!!!! Your plan is very similar to what I’ve been doing. I cannot remember the last time I ate refined sugar. I too avoid the flour and anything white, if I can. An occasional splurge is not going to ruin the whole thing. I love it.

May 13, 2008

Congrats on your ten pounds! I love your kitty and flower pics – thanks!

May 13, 2008

Ten pounds is fabulous! Your new diet (i. e., “eating lifestyle”) will help you live to be 100, too. Sounds as though your cell battery is just old and running out of charge. Mine’s getting there, too. I have ordered ALL of my cell phone batteries from Amazon. I love wisteria. It’s in bloom around here, also. I want a t-shirt that says, “Let’s play Beeeeeeeeeeat the Reaper!”

May 13, 2008

Have you contacted Nick Danger, Third Eye, to solve the mystery?

May 14, 2008

ryn – oh goody, can’t wait for the mail to arrive. I didn’t mention the event because I want to post a batch of very cool pictures. My family honored me in some really creative ways. Hopefully tonight I’ll not get distracted. Although BD is babysitting our neighbors, age 3 and a half and almost 2. The baby has never stayed with anyone other than parents and grandparents. I’m hearing screamsalready, forelorn, bloodcurdling little girl screams.

May 14, 2008

Rapidly dying cell phone batteries more expensive than new phones is caused by planned obsolescence. I remember learning about it in high school economics and being disgusted at how wasteful it is to design something to wear out before is has to. And we wonder why the landfills are filling up too rapidly. Cell phone batteries are planned to last a little shy of 2 years, to coincide with the endof the contract. Although the little man who answers all our AT&T phone questions tells me that the 2 year timeframe has moved up to 18 months. Don’t want to loose customers you know. I really like my tiny phone and I’m sure it’s not made any more. My battery is starting to need charging more too. Boo hoo.

May 14, 2008

And congratulations on the 10 pounds. Amazon has a great essay posted for this book, by the authors. Are you enjoying the planning? Is Baker B helpful, skinny swine that he is? Are you cooking more or using a specific cookbook? I was doing fine when I was cooking from vegetarian cookbooks during the week on a regular basis. I’ve not done it for a month and feel like crap. Don’t stop what you’re doing!!!

May 15, 2008

Sweet Nostalgia, I used to have a forty five rpm with Don’t Crush that Dwarf Hand me the pliers on one side and an excerpt from Bozos on the other. I loved those guys.

May 16, 2008

I love wisteria. We have a place on Beech and go to the summer music series on the lawn in the little white house near the library – downtown Boone and also at Fred’s up top. It is a beautiful area – nice people – great library. I am always amazed at how much ASU has grown each year when we return.

May 16, 2008

Hooray for firesign theater!

ryn: Yestrday as the headline on our local paper there was a picture of a Polar Bear and the headline said, “Dude where is my icecap???” Not quite as good as eloping, but still it made me laugh.

May 16, 2008

That was me.

The cats are so cute! As for the cell phone, I have no idea. We only had a few very warm days. I wish we had blossoms.

May 23, 2008

love the kitties!!!!!! ………. 🙂