very random and entertaining survey

That I stole from both Schwulerin and Search Results. Because it’s random. And entertaining.

When was the last time you ran?

Not all that long ago, actually. Six months? Maybe a little longer. I’ve had several bouts of Becoming A Runner recently. Which consist of doing a lot of walking interspersed with running for a few minutes. I’ve just been thinking of taking it up again. It makes me feel virtuous and accomplished and athletic, even as it’s making my achy knees ache even more. I ran track in high school, despite being stunningly non-athletic. And I’ve run on and off (mostly off) ever since. I love the idea of running. Sadly I am lazy and unmotivated and a Gemini, so I get all fired up about !!!BECOMING A RUNNER!!! and I go out and run a little during my walks and then I get tired of it and give it up again for a few more years.
Do you get a full 8 hours of sleep a night?
Not usually. I do generally get seven hours, though, and that seems to be my minimum. Less than that, and I get all whiny and cranky and inconsolable. On weekends I will sometimes get eight. I stay up insanely late and sleep insanely late on weekends.
What high school clubs/teams did you join?
I am drawing a great big blank here. I know I didn’t join a lot of clubs, because I’ve been a Lifelong Non-Joiner, but it really does seem like I was in a few clubs and teams. Well, track — I was on the track team in 11th grade, and the beginning of 12 grade too but then I got a job and had to quit track. And eat greasy Long John Silvers meals instead. The only other thing I can think of was the INS Club. I joined that in 11th grade because my cousin talked me into it. In retrospect it was kind of an odd thing for me to be in– I had very little interest in politics and it was kind of a pretend United Nations game. I forget exactly what INS stood for, but I think it was International Nations Simulation. It was REALLY complicated and involved. The culmination was going to an all-day event at the local college with a bunch of INS teams from other high schools. I remember not having a very good grasp of what was going on, since I have always been airheaded and flighty and lalalalala ooooh, shiny things!! and not all that interested in political stuff. Each high school’s team was a country, and there was all sorts of maneuvering and intrigue and stuff going on. I got to be a terrorist, which sounded a lot cooler and much less disturbing then, way back in the late 70s, than it sounds in the post 911 world. I got to run around with two guys and attempt to infiltrate the other countries. We wore black shirts and tan pants – not very terrorist-like.. I remember going into our own country’s control room and having NO idea what was going on, and being relieved to get to sneak around with the two guys. We tried to force our way into another country’s control room, and this little teeny girl a fourth my size was guarding the door, and she knocked me down. Then the two guys and I decided it was much too violent and dangerous, so we left and rode around in one of the guys’ car, which was an extremely cool Cobra. And we threw our smoke bombs into the bushes as we were driving by the International House of Pancakes near the mall, and it caught the bushes on fire. So one of my fellow terrorists ran inside and told them their azaleas were on fire. We really were not very good terrorists.
Do you eat raw cookie dough?
I have been guilty of making cookies for the sole purpose of eating the dough. So, yes. Raw eggs and all. I should probably be dead by now. 
Could you live without a computer?
I grew up in the pre-computer days, back when dinosaurs roamed the earth. Well, pre-personal computers. One of the guys who was part of that INS team, who my cousin had a BIG BIG crush on, used to go to the local college and use the computers in the computer lab. He figured out how to program them to say "Fuck you!!!!!’ when they were turned on. Over and over and over. I don’t know what happened to him. He was scarily smart. I just tried to Google him, but can’t remember his last name. His first name was very odd but googling that plus our hometown is not pulling  him up. He’s probably a millionaire now. Or insane.

That has nothing at all to do with my ability to live without computers. I would love to think that I would be fine, FINE, with no internet and no laptop. No connection!!! i think it’s gone too far for that, thought.  I don’t feel like I have to be connected 24/7, but I am pretty hooked. I pay nearly all by bills online, I do… EVERYTHING online. I’m sure I could live without if, oh, THE END OF CIVILIZATION ARRIVED. But I certainly hope I don’t have to. 
Is Justin Timberlake becoming the next Michael Jackson?
I don’t even know what this means. 
When was the last time you left your house for a reason other than going to work or school?
I left the house this afternoon to accompany Baker B to Starbucks. And then I walked on the greenway. And then I went to the grocery store. And then I went home. How boring is that???
Would you survive in prison?
I certainly hope so . It’s probably a toss-up, though. I am unusually good at being quiet and still. And I’m very very diplomatic. And good at hiding. I hope I don’t have to find out,. 
Name the state (province, whatever) that is closest to where you live that you have never visited. Do you think you will ever visit that place?
Looks like that would be Indiana. i hope I will get to visit. I would like to go pretty much everywhere, really. 

visited 28 states (56%)
Create your own visited map of The United States or Like this? try: Movies from a balloon

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September 15, 2012

Indiana is…nice. I spent a night in Terre Haute. It was…nice. Ah, your cousin’s crush mastered BASIC enough to produce an endless loop. It’s hard to remember that computers as we all know them aren’t even 20 years old yet.

September 15, 2012

you successfully infiltrated the international house of pancakes! : ) you still need to visit the pacific ocean.

September 16, 2012

When the jogging craze first started in the early ’70s, it was HUGE in Oregon, where I grew up. I had this romantic fantasy about running every morning, through the mists and the dew, light as a nymph. Then I tried it and immediately got shin splints and a stitch in my side and thought I was going to die. I tried it three or four more times over the years, and finally gave up. I guess I come froma long line of plodding peasants or something. Bulldogs, not greyhounds.

September 16, 2012

RYN: I tried the “important updates” setting on a particularly annoying relative, and since then I’ve seen no posts at all from her. I don’t know what criteria Facebook uses for “important,” so I guess I’ll just have to endure the Adorable Little Girls. Their grandmother is also making Nutcracker posts already, so there’s really no escape. At least they’re cute kids. It would be far worse if theywere ugly, I guess.

I LOVE that map. I have one, too, or I used to… I could NEVER live without the internet at this point. Even when we were traveling, I was secretly happy to have the smartphones. I had said “no” to them for two years, and now I was bathed in relief every time I could use “some G’s” to get some bit of information, or make a contact with someone.

hey there! it is good to hear from you!

September 16, 2012

Had a good laugh at your ‘terr*rist’ story. My ‘visited’ map of the US would be pretty small. Hawai’i.

September 16, 2012

Ok, burning azaleas at IHOP made me laugh!

September 16, 2012

Inconsolable! LMAO!!! This was very funny 🙂

September 16, 2012

I eat raw cookie dough too, or at least I used to back before it became a very stupid thing to do. Love the INS story.

September 17, 2012

Your running paragraph made me laugh. I so know the excitement of starting a new regimen and then doing it a while and finding out it’s kind of boring and then dropping it and then deciding later a new regimen would be kind of exciting. Yeah, totally a Gemini thing. So you got to be a pretend terrorist when terrorists were mostly angry Palastinians in Isreal or bored middle class West Germans in Europe. Those were the days, when terrorism was only a thing for other people. I LOVE it when people post their visited states map. Thank you for that alone. I have to wonder, though, what you have against Louisiana.

September 17, 2012

Why limit yourself to a map of the USA? Get out a globe & start marking off countries! 😉

September 22, 2012

Never, 12, band ensemble/yearbook/chess, yes, no, no, 2AM (cigarette run), probably, hmmmm …. Rhode Island?

Your smoke bomb story made me laugh.

September 27, 2012

LIVE WITHOUT A COMPUTER?? *faints dead away*