well, since nobody’s actually working today….

…I’ll not work either. We get off at 3, but I think I’m the only one who has even attempted to get anything work-related done. The receptionist is carrying on this very loud phone conversation with a family member right this minute, and has already been in my office for an eon. Telling me about her troubles. Okay, the poor thing DOES have some very weird and disturbing health issues going on – she’s the one who has been coming in so sick she can barely function – and does have a family history of serious illness – but, duuuuude, I’m kind of tired of hearing about it. I’ve seriously started trying to avoid going out to her area unless she’s on the phone and I can dash though and grab what I need and vanish before being cornered again. Luckily she’s always on the phone.

I actually saw her in the grocery store a few days ago, and was so desperate to get away before she saw me and I had to ask how she was feeling and then end up hearing about all her symptoms for half an hour that I dashed out without most of the things I’d come to the store for to begin with.

I’ve been reminded of House, where the patient has some bizarre illness and a bunch of unrelated symptoms and they think it’s one thing so they treat that but it isn’t that thing and the treatment makes the patient worse and then they figure out that it’s some completely other thing that they kind of stumble on by accident and they jerk the patient back to life as they’re slipping through Death’s Door. I’ve started several times to say, "wow, this is just like every episode of House I’ve seen!! I hope they figure it out before you DIE!!!" but was afraid she’d be insulted.

And I do feel bad for my seeming lack of empathy. I do hope she’s okay and there’s nothing serious wrong. I just wish she’d quit whining, and she’s a whiner about everything so that makes it harder to feel a lot of empathy for her weird illness. She’s a world-class whiner about absolutely everything, and has actually been told by the dean that she needs to stop heaving sighs in front of the students when she’s called upon to do a little work. Work that obviously is interfering with her whining and talking on the phone to her family.

OoooOooo, somebody needs a break! And I’m just about to get one, lucky for me. I do keep reminding myself daily that at least I’m out of the college of ed. And I DO still like my job very much. But I guess the honeymoon had to be over some time.

So, I’m going home early and cooking. I cooked all last night, and Baker B was like, "Wait – – why do you have to cook AGAIN???" Well, because everything I cooked last night was a trial run. Except the onion bread which WAS supposed to be the real thing, but the dough mysteriously went wrong and wouldn’t rise so I have to try it again tonight. Since we are (STILL) ovenless, I’m putting it together and freezing it and then cooking it at the parents’ tomorrow morning. I hope that will work. I don’t think I’d ever be forgiven for an Onion Bread-less Thanksgiving. I am also going to take a loaf of cranberry bread that I can do in the bread machine, but I had to test it out last night since I wanted to try a new one that sounded better than the one in the bread machine book. And it was very good, luckily. I also was going to take some cranberry sauce because for some reason I’ve stockpiled a ton of cranberries and want to use them. SO I tried a recipe that sounded great, that has horseradish and dijon mustard. Jezebel Cranberry Sauce, amusingly. Not so amusingly, it was AWFUL. It called for prepared horseradish, and I bought horseradish that didn’t say prepared but was in a very cute little round gourmet-type jar. Later I saw something that said "prepared horseradish" in the cheese section, of all things, but by then I was tired of being in the store and irritated by the 320,699 shoppers with their overloaded carts in my way, and I didn’t check the second jar to see if it looked different than the cute gourmet one I bought. So I’m guessing that was the problem. The sauce just tasted like a big heaping spoonful of horseradish.

And usually I bring desert but can’t cook anything in the oven so I think I’ll make some truffles. Easy to make, although hard to make pretty, and waaaaaaaaaaay too good. Just so we’ll have some chocolate, because I’ve never gotten over that terrible thanksgiving where THERE WAS NO CHOCOLATE ANYTHING.

So, that’s my plan. We’re going to the parents, and taking Edgar and Cayce with us. Stella gets to stay home and enjoy some peace. This Thanksgiving will be a little strange because we usually stay two nights, but this year we’re going to Baker B’s Mom’s House on Friday night. Saturday Baker B went down there and raked leaves for six hours and now there are several thousand bags of leaves that have to be taken to the dump. Which is only open till one on Saturdays and is probably 20 minutes from her house and her truck is teeny so it will take a number of trips. So we’re thinking we better get down there the night before. And she hasn’t seen the kittens either.

And speaking of kittens:

But wait. I must preface this with …. that tub was just scrubbed!!! Seriously, I’d cleaned the tub THAT DAY, and it has streaks. It sure doesn’t look dirty in person – thank you, flash!!! But it’s so cute I have to post it anyhow. Edgar got in the tub with his mouse and went to sleep. That’s something you can’t recreate later after you’ve scrubbed the stupid tub again and gotten what you missed. So:

Actually Edgar looks a little dirty too, and he certainly isn’t dirty. We’ll just say it’s the weird lighting. And our bathroom has really weird lighting.

And kittens playing:

And I have to get back to at least making an effort to work –

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November 21, 2007

ryn: Prepared horseradish just means it’s been grated and mixed with vinegar. If your little jar lists vinegar as an ingredient, it’s probably prepared as well. If not, it’s just the horseradish root. How about substituting grated ginger in place of the horseradish and omit the mustard? Very similar to this recipe: http://www.opendiary.com/entryview.asp?authorcode=D603779&entry=10494&mode=

November 21, 2007

A Thanksgiving without chocolate is a crime against nature. I need to keep that in mind when shopping tonight. Mr. POA had all these weird unrelated symptoms that only made sense after the totally intuitive diagnosis but a doctor that had been fascinated by his condition in Med School. I hope you coworker can get the same kind of care so she will stop whining. The honeymoon is over here too, but still I am so grateful for this new job I am always amazed I am not singing and dancing. That would drive them over the bend though. They think I am way too happy.

November 21, 2007

That would be your coworker.

November 21, 2007

too cute! I’m off completely today, and thank the gods because it took all day with peoplepc tech support to get online. Is there a way I can post a link to my pics on flickr? Nobody seems to find them except you. (The Flcikr Wizard) Enjoy the time off!!

Wow, since the only place I whine is here, and the only place you here about me is here, I’M another whiner!! OMG!! Sorry. Seriously, people who constantly corner people with their symptoms really bug me. The kittens are so cute-and the tub looks clean! Stella will enjoy the peace on Thanksgiving. I don’t envy Baker B having raked all those leaves-not one tiny bit.

November 21, 2007

The tub looks fine, you worry way too much about lighting and our opinion of your cleaning frequencies. MJ sounded tired just now, imagine that. Aunt M is home, sounding tired as well, but otherwise pretty good. What a week of drama, two weeks really. I’m ready for a more boring period of life now. Is Edgar really chewing Cayce’s face off?

November 21, 2007

And I worked extra hard today thank you very much. There seemed to be parties all around me interrupting my work induced reverie, but I’m trying to catch up for a week off unexpectedly. Mr. Turnip is putting absolutely no pressure on me, but there’s so much to do and so little time. My walking partner Barb put up a grove of tiny lighted Christmas trees around her cube. Pretty, but it’s way toearly for that. I’d rather see pilgrims and Indians – she seemed to forget which holiday we’re celebrating tomorrow.

November 22, 2007

‘someone’s needing a break’ then going home and doing a heap of cooking. what sort of break is that? ah well, Happy Thanksgiving……..

I worry about food that I take to things, too. I find the stress of preparing a dinner for family other than my own rather overwhelming. The horseradish sounds like the stuff my dad would grow in the garden. I don’t like the stuff mixed with mayo in the store. The real thing is VERY strong. I love it but you only use a tiny amount.:)

now how in the heck did i miss this entry. heh. i had to stop and read it cause i so enjoy your entries! and now; ryn, with a vin i can research this several different way. the lease expensive is to contact my insurance company. then there is carfax. they charge 30 bucks for 30 days all you can vin! such silliness. i should ebay t low cost car vin readings! hehehehe. and i checked the company andthey have a whole bunch of rvs for sale with a big markdown, so after getting cold feet i am getting tempted again. of course i cant do anything til monday and of course sweetie has all am drs apts. well. i will use my cell phone and call all them that i can and that includes a mechanic in la and my financier in boston…woohoo. i think that i am going to go after this one. it is a beauty.

November 25, 2007

I can see no dirt at all on that tub!

November 25, 2007

I also, see no dirt in the tub, just an extremely cute kitten. Those truffles sound so yummy. Didn’t you tease us with them last year also? I don’t like cranberries, but I like cranberry muffins, etc. I bet it was good. Do you like your bread machine? I’ve been wondering if I should get one, my mother bakes it all from scratch, but I’ve tried and it’s just better for everyone if I don’ttry that again.

November 25, 2007

I forgot to say how much I LMA off at the House reference!!

December 1, 2007

Aw how cute is that? They can get comfy in the weirdest of places! I’m not saying your bathtub is weird by the way – I was just meaning ……. hand me that spade will you ……