A brief introduction


This isn’t my first time on OpenDiary. I was here before, as I expect many others were. Since relaunch I’ve weighed up whether to return. I had long since lost my anonymity by the time OD shut down, having met many OD people IRL. So, I thought I’d return and see whether anonymity offers anything these days.

I expect I won’t really get back into the swing of writing here regularly. I work full time, in a pretty demanding job in the public sector and I struggle to keep all my balls in the air with existing family and friend commitments too. Let’s see how it all goes and whether anything comes of this ‘return.’

I’m in my 30s. Since the OD shutdown I got married and bought a house. I remain childfree and that seems to be the longer term outlook/plan for us too. As I’ve already mentioned I work in the public sector in a pretty demanding role. My husband works in the public sector too.  The house we bought is a series of projects that we seem to already be tired of. I’m reminded, regularly, that it will be worth it in the long run. I really do hope so.

I have generalised anxiety and I have a physical illness too. Both are ‘invisible’ and can present their own challenges. Occasionally they work together, ganging up on me to make a melting pot of bad brain times. It all adds to the variety of the day to day, I suppose.

I have a couple of creative outlets that provide much needed escape. My friends are amazing too so there’s always room to enjoy the days that are good and to throw myself into wonderful things. They are fantastically supportive to me and I am the same to them.

My husband is also an absolute star. Having been together for a long time and faced more than our fair share of challenges and set backs we are fairly weather worn. I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have by my side through it all though which is a blessing beyond anything I could’ve asked for. We compliment each other really well for the most part but there are a few communication issues that are largely a result of our introverted ways. We always work it out.

I’m going to sign this off here.

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February 26, 2018

Welcome back, nice to meet you again!

February 26, 2018


I struggle with “invisible illnesses” too. It’s nice to have supportive people who try to understand.

March 7, 2018

@wasdazeddahlia you’re right – support and understanding is much needed with such things

February 26, 2018

Hi, and welcome back.

March 4, 2018

Invisible illnesses are the worst. I feel like I work to the point of exhaustion to hide mine. I don’t know if I knew you before but welcome back!!

March 7, 2018

@charlotte_sometimes hi there I’m not sure we were connected before. I don’t recognise many diary names yet. I expect many won’t return.