A bit of a challenge

I was given this as part of a thinking challenge. I did fairly well with the answers. So I figured someone might wanna give it a go. I also have the "experts" answers but lost the explanation for each. 


Simpson Desert Survival Challenge


It is approximately 10:00 am in mid-February, and you have just crash-landed in the middle of Simpson Desert in Central Australia. The light two-engine plane, containing the dead pilot and co-pilot, has completely burnt out. Only the ‘shell’ of the airframe remains.

By a miracle the rest of you have all survived and without injury.

The pilot was unable to notify anyone of your current position before the crash, but you know that you are 65 miles off course from the flight plan filed with the authorities before taking off. Your best guess is that you are around 70 miles Southwest of a mining camp, the nearest habituation.

The immediate area is barren with nothing but the sand dunes and the occasional woody shrub. The last weather report said that the temperature was 120°F or 50°C.

You all are wearing lightweight clothing: short-sleeve shirts, shorts, socks and sneakers.

Before the plane caught fire your group was able to salvage 14 items.

Your items (in no particular order):

    1 pair of sunglasses each
    Flash light and batteries
    Swiss Army knife
    Sectional air-map of the area
    Large plastic raincoat
    Magnetic compass
    First-aid kit
    Parachute (red and white)
    Bottle of 1000 salt tablets
    2 litres of water each
    A book on ‘Edible Desert Animals’
    4 litres of Vodka (60% alcohol)
    1 winter coat
    A compact mirror

Your task (if you choose to do this) is to rank these items according to their importance for your survival. 1= most important, 14= least important

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