~*36 Blah

So I had this really weird dream last night. It involved my first love. I haven’t even spoken to him in year. I had a dream I had a really nice, white apartment, and he came over to smoke. I was getting a Corona and, when I came back, I was next in the rotation, and Dawn was passing me the bowl, and Angi had already taken a hit (whoa runon sentence). He gets really mad and won’t let me take a hit. From this point on sometimes he appears as Ryan from the O.C. Kirsten was my mom and called us all upstairs and told us to help her fix this glass table that kept morphing. It broke and stabbed Jacob in the chest and I kept pleading with him to get help but he didn’t and he died. Then it was like the whole Grey’s Anatomy thing where after you die, you keep suffering via the way that you died for all of eternity. I ended up being the one that died. I need to stop watching so much T.V.

So today I got up at noon, took a shower, spent an hour and a half cleaning the apartment while Sara complained to me that she had to unload the dishwasher three times last week because I asked her to fucking help me take out the garbage. Then I went to go get my cell phone, went to class so that I could be assigned a 40-80 page paper, went grocery shopping, and got stoned. Debbie got drunk again. She’s such a bad drunk. She went to a Switchfoot concert an hour and a half away (her fav. band, what a weirdo) and got kicked out. Then she came running in the apartment yelling that some dude sucked her tits. College….

Today’s Food Log

grape nuts with milk

angel hair with tomato sauce and sauteed peppers

salad with fat free ranch, feta, tomatoes, and veggie chicken

frosted mini wheats with milk

go tart

tons of fat free popcorn

so about 1600 cals..a little better

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