~*37 Parrrrty

I’ve been having fun lately. I’ve also been pretty trashed lately too though.

Thursday: I went to Emily’s with Dana and Matt and drank watermelon rum with this blue fruit punch. So gross. I ended up talking to this dude online blacking out and said the dumbest shit. Now I’m like to embarassed to talk to him for awhile.

Friday: I went to the mall to buy a Tshirt for a highlighter party. It was awesome. All day I just felt so retarded and kept cracking the dumbest jokes and then laughing my ass off. This dude from Alsaka has the hots for Dana now. Sara told me drunkenly that when she first saw him she got wicked upset that he liked Dana because she thought he was cute. So were at this highlighter party and this guy Quin is there. I’ve never talked to him before but I know who he is because he dated my friend’s friend and he drives the bus. He was really cool surprisingly. My friends always talked about him like he was a puppet. He told me to take a shot of this $36 bottle of whiskey and I was like wow thats good and then I had to go play beirut. So I’m playing against Dana and I say “Quin has this $36 bottle of whiskey and it’s soooo good.” This random ass stupid dude was like “you can’t go around telling people to take shots of people’s liquor and not expect to give him sexual favors” Dana absolutely blew up at him.

So before this big fiasco, me and sara were just standing up against this wall guarding our beer and we were like wow we are wall flowers right now so I said hi to the next guy that walked by and his friend came up and entered the conversation. He was 2 years younger than me and so weird looking and just annoying. He tried to get me to go smoke pot with him but if i smoke and drink I pass out so i turned him down and he took my number and expected me to call him back (thats not going to happen)

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