~*41 Zzzz….

I am disgusting. Last night I drank 1.5 liters of wine, fell asleep around 1am and woke up at 3am. I felt completely sober. No alcohol tonight. I did take an hour nap when I got hope so I just hope I can fall asleep tonight.

So post college I got a job working as a nutritionist for the WIC program. I am supposed to give a nutritional counseling session to low income families with small children in exchange for a supplemental food package. In June, we had a major budget cut and had to lay off a third of out staff. We see 12,000 people per month and the average wait time is about 2 hours. I have been put on the job of finding people financially eligible since one of our WIC assistants got another job and another went on maternity leave. Today I had to drive to two different clinics and got out 15 minutes late. To most people 15 minutes is nothing, but I’m already working 10 hour days.

After work I spray painted a pumpkin with chrome paint. It came out really cute.

I wasn’t as depressed today, just sort of numb. Too tired to feel anything but tired. Plus I finally got out of my apartment and socialized.

I ate about 2,000 calories today. I did eat eggs and toast and oj for breakfast. I never even eat breakfast let alone hot breakfast.

Yeah…tomorrows goal (if I can sleep tonight) is to finally makes it back into the gym. 2 years ago starting the day after Thanksgiving I spent the next 8 months or so counting calories and working out 4 days a week and went from 240 to 200. I slacked off after that but have kept most of it off. Recently I’ve gone up to 205 but I know a lot of my muscle turned to fat. I NEED to get back into that mind set. It’s just so hard to get back into the swing of things.

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