~*42 Getting there…

I finally made it to the gym today for the first time in over 4 months! Yeah…I’ve been slacking pretty hard. I did 45 minutes of light cardio to ease myself in while watching The Walking Dead on my phone. No alcohol again today. I can already feel that avoiding it tomorrow is going to be a challenge.

Work was hell today. We had a very humid Indian summer. Apparently yesterday the air conditioning broke because someone on the street broke into the buildings side door and busted it up to steal a $5 copper pipe while doing $15,000 worth of damage. Nothing like working near the ghetto. Maybe now we can finally get some surveillance cameras. If our mail man getting jumped in the parking lot wasn’t enough reason…

So I netted about 2000 calories. My downfall was at work they brought in mini whole wheat bagels and cream cheese. Sitting in there alone for my two breaks…I had two. No willpower.

Three goals for tomorrow: drink more water (I only drink water and usually drink like 4 cups a day yikes!), go to the gym, NO ALCOHOL!

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October 3, 2012

You’re definitely better than me ! I joined a gym for Year, paid every month and only went once! The gym said it was a record haha

October 5, 2012

I agree you have much willpower! šŸ™‚ <3