
I am no longer going to continue to write to him via email.

And, i feel good about this game. And after reading up on all the same bs people go thru with a manic episode, i know that he will come around.  I said it, mentioned it several times to a friend,  and i was correct in stating as soon as i got wheels,  he would contact me.

See, i am watching and while hes no longer entertaining on tinder, he’s still got something going on to distract him. Well now, so do i.

Sitting here with my thoughts and anger, alone was pollution.

Now i can go do stuff to distract.

Today, i went to drakes creek, then drove to my dads grave, and then to the park w my daughter, then to get ice cream. We came home, i posted the truck, which may sell this evening.  I’ll turn around and maybe sell on Saturday at the flea market.  Who knows.

Something is better than nothing

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