Friday in a flash

Damn that week in isolation went quick. Scarily so.

Can’t say my Thursday was a catastrophe. I got little things done that had been on the list forever. Whitening shoes, painting tapestries. Things that sound so miniscule on the list as two words but in reality, take up a good 2+ hours to complete! So it’s rewarding having finished em off.

And I kept up some routines I’ve been building. Look at me, sounding like a wife getting over a break up. Woke up, showered, had a vape break, and made it to my daily stretches which have become annoyingly in frequent.

Oh I had a thought on a walk! I’ve been getting frustrated at the lack of tasks that are actually pressing to me. Yet I did have the intention to do things over this lockdown which my new found TIME would allow me to do. And yes- I do know what those things are. i.e. Daily stretches for my broke teenage back, skin care routine. Boring but hey, after 30 days if I’ve got these locked in, how awesome would that be.

Thinking of adding a sunrise walk to that list? But how far are we willing to go… To be decided. I just need to see something peaceful and beautiful god damn it!

Power is power by sza and theweeknd playing, forgot this flop jam.

And actually today different in the way I just accepted my boredom but also picked shit to do from my quarantine bingo list. Saged my room! Made it smell like weed which was ironic because it was masking the smell of actual weed.

Tomorrow I shall follow suit!

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