Home for war time

Hiya open diary,

I stumbled upon this site after typing in ‘I feel like the world is ending’ into google, and looking for the most recent posts. I think that succinctly communicates my mental state at the current, and I believe that feeling makes me… what… normal, right now?

I’ve always thought of myself as one who appreciates the company of one self. More than willing to lounge in the sanity and insanity of my own time and thoughts. I’m often overwhelmed by the wealth of possibility and inevitability in life, though I get through for the diamond peaks that my life can take me to, which are worth it. Lord, i’m not depressed, hear me and my schmaltzy poetry out of a little longer.

There are rules, boundaries and borders that my mind has set up for the function of myself, and the going ons of the world everyday help to keep that back bone in check. The routine at least.

And now that our cute little board game has erupted in a contagious outburst, my little dealings seem to matter even less than they did before.


But this is just a thought wheel in process, I have plans to spin it much further.

To whoever this finds,

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March 31, 2020


March 31, 2020

Welcome to Open Diary, we are glad to have you here! That’s a funny (but not really funny) way to have found us 🙂

March 31, 2020

Welcome to Opendiary!